On 5/6/23, G. Branden Robinson <g.branden.robin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Myself, I wonder if K-P couldn't be implemented above the formatter
> itself, using a diversion.  We could then put the implementation in an
> auxiliary macro package.  Since I have plans to attack our facilities
> for diversion re-processing anyway, it might be a good time to identify
> any feature gaps we have that would make doing K-P this way more
> difficult than it needs to be.

One limitation that's not specific to diversions is that there's no
mechanism to pass back to the language how much space was added when
adjusting a line.  The .spreadwarn request can pass this to the *user*
(for any lines whose adjustment exceeds a given threshold, though this
threshold can be set to 0 to get a report on every adjusted line), but
the data is provided via stderr and unavailable to groff.

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