At 2023-05-07T14:22:14+0100, Deri wrote:
> On Sunday, 7 May 2023 03:57:57 BST G. Branden Robinson wrote:
> > Myself, I wonder if K-P couldn't be implemented above the formatter
> > itself, using a diversion.  We could then put the implementation in
> > an auxiliary macro package.  Since I have plans to attack our
> > facilities for diversion re-processing anyway, it might be a good
> > time to identify any feature gaps we have that would make doing K-P
> > this way more difficult than it needs to be.

I'll note that even if K-P can't be done this way, because the algorithm
requires a view of more than one page at a time (I, uh, admit I haven't
actually learned how Knuth-Plass works yet), then the foregoing might
still be worth doing for widow and orphan management.

> If you are interested in micro typography there was an interesting
> discussion some years ago, not K-P:-
> The thesis to which they are referring can found here:-
> It seems good to me.

I've tried a couple of times to start reading this, but the font is
so fantastically ugly that it's making my brain wander off.

Screenshot attached.

Does the PDF not embed the font it's expecting?  What is causing the
insane variation in x-height here?  Or is this actually magnificent
typography and I'm too much of a Philistine to appreciate it?


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