On 2023-08-12 23:46, Alejandro Colomar wrote:
> Hi Deri,
> My end goal is to be able to embed the creation of the PDF book in the
> Makefiles.  To that end, as a first step, I'd like to reuse part of
> what we already have in the Makefile.  Currently, we process all files
> with -Tpdf, which I guess we'll be able to reuse.
>      $ make build-pdf -kij >/dev/null 2>&1
>      $ touch man2/gettimeofday.2 
>      $ make build-pdf V=1 | sed '/^[[:upper:]]/s/^/\n/'
>      PRECONV  .tmp/man/man2/gettimeofday.2.tbl
>      preconv   man2/gettimeofday.2 >.tmp/man/man2/gettimeofday.2.tbl
>      TBL      .tmp/man/man2/gettimeofday.2.eqn
>      tbl <.tmp/man/man2/gettimeofday.2.tbl >.tmp/man/man2/gettimeofday.2.eqn
>      EQN      .tmp/man/man2/gettimeofday.2.pdf.troff
>      ! (eqn -Tpdf   <.tmp/man/man2/gettimeofday.2.eqn 2>&1 
> >.tmp/man/man2/gettimeofday.2.pdf.troff) \
>      | grep ^ >&2
>      TROFF    .tmp/man/man2/gettimeofday.2.pdf.set
>      ! (troff -Tpdf -wbreak  -man  <.tmp/man/man2/gettimeofday.2.pdf.troff 
> 2>&1 >.tmp/man/man2/gettimeofday.2.pdf.set) \
>      | grep ^ >&2
>      GROPDF   .tmp/man/man2/gettimeofday.2.pdf
>      gropdf   <.tmp/man/man2/gettimeofday.2.pdf.set 
> >.tmp/man/man2/gettimeofday.2.pdf
> What part of this "pipeline" can we reuse?  I guess we can reuse the
> .pdf.troff files.  The .pdf.set files probably cannot be reused for
> the single book, as they'll have the page numbers and so on already
> set, right?
> So, I'm imagining that we could cat(1) your front cover with all
> these files, and then process with troff(1) and gropdf(1).  Does
> that make sense?
> Could we also reuse the .pdf.set files and only run gropdf(1) on
> the catenation of them?

I added a script to sort these files, as you do with your sortman()
perl function.  I called it sortman too :)

$ cat scripts/sortman 

# Copyright 2023, Alejandro Colomar <a...@kernel.org>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

export LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8;

sed   -E '/\/intro./ s/.*\.([1-8])$/\10\t&/' \
| sed -E '/\/intro./!s/.*\.([1-8])$/\11\t&/' \
| sed -E '/\/intro./!s/.*\.([1-8].+)/\1\t&/' \
| sort \
| cut -f2;

We'll probably need this to sort the files in the shell.

> Cheers,
> Alex

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