Hi all,

following up on my previous email I'd like to test the attached patch
(replace_psselect.patch) with groff, but am uncertain how to trigger
the patched code path.

If I read src/preproc/html/html.am correctly then pre-html.cpp is
compiled into pre-grohtml. I'm uncertain how pre-grohtml is invoked
in a common groff pipeline or can be invoked manually for testing

Anyone willing to share some insights or ideas?

diff --git a/src/preproc/html/pre-html.cpp b/src/preproc/html/pre-html.cpp
index cbcc2ccda..1668c9f67 100644
--- a/src/preproc/html/pre-html.cpp
+++ b/src/preproc/html/pre-html.cpp
@@ -918,7 +918,7 @@ int imageList::createPage(int pageno)
     fprintf(stderr, "creating page %d\n", pageno);
-  s = make_string("psselect -q -p%d %s %s\n",
+  s = make_string("ps2ps -dFirstPage=%1$d -dLastPage=%1$d %s %s\n",
                   pageno, psFileName, psPageName);
   html_system(s, 1);
   assert(strlen(image_gen) > 0);

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