Hi Alexis,

At 2024-01-08T14:00:19+0100, Alexis wrote:
> A question for the groff maintainers:
> What does it take for a new macro package to be considered for
> inclusion in groff (e.g.: contrib), so folks like Tim feel the macro
> package is "integrated into the groff ecosphere?"

I reckon it's something like this.

1.  Meet a need that is shared by others.
2.  Implement a solution of reasonable quality.
3.  Affirm that the work is one's own, or derived from another work that
    is not copyright-encumbered.
4.  Offer the contribution to the public under a well understood Free
    Software license.
5.  Ask the groff developers to incorporate it, either via a Savannah
    ticket or this mailing list.

This is pretty much what we did when Dorai Sitaram contributed

If you read through the thread starting at


and click through the "Thread Next" links (ignoring emails where the
Subject line changes), then you'll get a pretty good view of how the
last new "contrib"-ution from someone who didn't already have commit
permission to our Git repository was made and incorporated.


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