Hi Alexis, At 2024-01-08T14:00:19+0100, Alexis wrote: > A question for the groff maintainers: > What does it take for a new macro package to be considered for > inclusion in groff (e.g.: contrib), so folks like Tim feel the macro > package is "integrated into the groff ecosphere?"
I reckon it's something like this. 1. Meet a need that is shared by others. 2. Implement a solution of reasonable quality. 3. Affirm that the work is one's own, or derived from another work that is not copyright-encumbered. 4. Offer the contribution to the public under a well understood Free Software license. 5. Ask the groff developers to incorporate it, either via a Savannah ticket or this mailing list. This is pretty much what we did when Dorai Sitaram contributed rfc1345.tmac. If you read through the thread starting at https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/groff/2021-01/msg00004.html and click through the "Thread Next" links (ignoring emails where the Subject line changes), then you'll get a pretty good view of how the last new "contrib"-ution from someone who didn't already have commit permission to our Git repository was made and incorporated. Regards, Branden
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