On Tuesday, 23 January 2024 02:46:50 GMT G. Branden Robinson wrote:
> [self-follow-up]
> > Or: Should device control commands affect the environment?
> > 
> > Recall the definition of the \X escape sequence from CSTR #54 (1992).
> > 
> > 10.7.  Transparent output.  The sequence \X'anything' copies anything
> > to the output, as a device control function of the form x X anything
> > (ยง22).  Escape sequences in anything are processed.
> [...]
> > I therefore propose to change this, and have the `\X` escape sequence
> > read its argument in copy mode.  That will make it work like the
> > `device` request in groff 1.23.0 and earlier[1].
> It's looking like we _will_ be giving up something with this change:
> The ability to use a newline as an escape sequence delimiter with the \X
> escape sequence.
> I would argue that this change is of vanishingly small impact.
> 1.  Likely few people knew you could use a newline as a delimiter with
>     this escape sequence in the first place.
> 2.  You couldn't do that in DWB troff anyway.[1]
> 3.  The opposite problem is of greater interest to practical users:
>     _embedding_ newlines inside device control commands.  \X didn't
>     support that anyway, neither in DWB troff nor groff.[2]

Hi Branden,

Just to be sure, can you confirm your intention is to return .device to its 
1.23.0 state, and mirror that behaviour for \X, so we will have no more red 



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