
At 2024-02-12T13:00:43-0600, G. Branden Robinson wrote:
> I'm also attaching a sample document that people can use to test the
> nroff(1)/man(7) on their system.

If I had a nickel for every time I forget the attachment...

> Here's how I tested it with groff, mandoc(1), Heirloom Doctools, and
> DWB 3.3.  The location of your installed groff will likely differ.
> $ ~/groff-stable/bin/nroff -t -man manexercise.man
> $ mandoc manexercise.man | ul
> $ ./bin/tbl manexercise.man | ./bin/nroff  -man | ul
> $ DWBHOME=. ./bin/tbl manexercise.man | DWBHOME=. ./bin/nroff  -man | ul
> (The pipe through ul(1) is necessary with non-GNU nroffs to convert the
> output from Model 37-oriented overstriking sequences to the escape
> sequences suitable to produce varying font styles on the terminal.  AT&T
> nroff preceded termcap and terminfo by several years and as far as I
> know, no one ever migrated it to use either one, even long after
> teletypewriters were abandoned as terminal devices.  If your system
> doesn't have ul(1), use col(1).)


Attachment: manexercise.man
Description: manexercise.man

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature

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