[looping in groff list]

Hi Ian,

Probably better to send this sort of comment to the mailing list so that
others can share their insights and perspectives.

At 2024-03-08T01:46:12+0000, ropers wrote:
> PS: Re. .EX/.EE, I've only just noticed on the list that you've been
> discussing this with T.E.D very recently:
> <https://lists.gnu.org/r/groff/2024-03/msg00027.html>
> I hadn't seen that before, and maybe that's related.  You tell me. :)

Yes, I'm aware.

Long story short, "<pre>/</pre>" doesn't have the same semantics as
.EX/.EE.  It's close but doesn't get the cigar.  In *roff,
inter-sentence spacing is still applied, and in HTML, it is not.
Further, special character escape sequences still must be used to obtain
several characters relevant to a "code display".  Thus it is better not
to mislead the document author or, worse, make documents behave
inconsistently depending on whether HTML is the output device.

     .EE    Begin and end example.  After .EX, filling is disabled and a
            constant‐width (monospaced) font is selected.  Calling .EE
            enables filling and restores the previous font.

            Example regions are useful for formatting code, shell
            sessions, and text file contents.  An example region is not
            a “literal mode” of any sort: special character escape
            sequences must still be used to produce correct glyphs for
            ', -, \, ^, `, and ~ (see subsection “Portability” below).
            Sentence endings are still detected and additional inter‐
            sentence space applied.  If the amount of additional inter‐
            sentence spacing is altered, the rendering of, for instance,
            regular expressions using . or ? followed by multiple spaces
            can change.  Use the dummy character escape sequence \&
            before the spaces.

I've gone to the trouble of documenting these things because I do in
fact think it's a good idea to "dogfood" our own documentation.

The problem is, a lot of dogs don't seem hungry... :-O


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