[self-follow-up; dropping Russ from CC because it's a pretty obscure
point of *roff semantics]

At 2024-03-17T15:52:55-0500, G. Branden Robinson wrote:
> [6] I've marked `SB` as deprecated in the forthcoming groff 1.24; it
>     does nothing that modern formatters can't achieve by combining `SM`
>     and `B`.  I suspect Sun created it because the `it` *roff request
>     behaved inconsistently with other requests that took a line count as
>     an argument, like `ce` and `ul`, ignoring the `\c` escape sequence
>     as the latter two did not.  (Skeptics may feel free to play with the
>     attachment, and to guess where I've tried it out.)  That in turn is
>     why GNU troff has an `itc` request.  Or such is my reconstruction of
>     past developers' decisions based purely on parsimony and measurable
>     program behavior, assuming rational decision making.

A person can set their watch by my forgetting the attachment.

This time for sure.

.ce 2
two \c
.ul 2
two \c
.de xx
.  sp 2
.it 2 xx
two \c

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