
I've tried groff-ifying the Unifont, in the same way I do it with the
Tinos font.  However, I've had a few problems.

Here's the Tinos font that's packaged with Debian:

        $ apt-file find tinos | grep ttf

And here's the Unifont:

        $ apt-file find unifont | grep otf | grep fonts | grep -v japanese
        fonts-unifont: /usr/share/fonts/opentype/unifont/unifont.otf
        fonts-unifont: /usr/share/fonts/opentype/unifont/unifont_csur.otf
        fonts-unifont: /usr/share/fonts/opentype/unifont/unifont_jp.otf
        fonts-unifont: /usr/share/fonts/opentype/unifont/unifont_jp_sample.otf
        fonts-unifont: /usr/share/fonts/opentype/unifont/unifont_sample.otf
        fonts-unifont: /usr/share/fonts/opentype/unifont/unifont_upper.otf

First problem:

In the Unifont, I don't see a "Regular" font.  I assumed I should take
the unifont.otf file.

Here's how I've been groff-ifying the Tinos font:

        $ make build-fonts-tinos -B --debug=pretty
        MKDIR           .tmp/fonts/devpdf/
        install -m 755 -d .tmp/fonts/devpdf/
        PFBTOPS         .tmp/fonts/devpdf/Tinos.pfa
        FONTFORGE       .tmp/fonts/devpdf/TinosR.afm
        fontforge   -lang=ff -c 
        Copyright (c) 2000-2024. See AUTHORS for Contributors.
         License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later 
         with many parts BSD <http://fontforge.org/license.html>. Please read 
         Version: 20230101
         Based on sources from 2024-03-07 23:15 UTC-ML-D-GDK3.
        Program root: /usr
        The following table(s) in the font have been ignored by FontForge
          Ignoring 'DSIG' digital signature table
        The glyph named null is mapped to U+0000.
          But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2400.
        The glyph named periodcentered is mapped to U+2219.
          But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+00B7.
        The glyph named Delta is mapped to U+0394.
          But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2206.
        The glyph named Omega is mapped to U+03A9.
          But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+2126.
        The glyph named mu is mapped to U+03BC.
          But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+00B5.
        AFMTODIT        .tmp/fonts/devpdf/TinosR
        afmtodit -e /usr/share/groff/current/font/devpdf/enc/text.enc 
.tmp/fonts/devpdf/TinosR.afm /usr/share/groff/current/font/devpdf/map/text.map 
        /usr/local/bin/afmtodit: AGL name 'mu' already mapped to groff name 
'mc'; ignoring AGL name 'uni00B5'
        /usr/local/bin/afmtodit: AGL name 'periodcentered' already mapped to 
groff name 'pc'; ignoring AGL name 'uni00B7'
        /usr/local/bin/afmtodit: both gravecomb and uni0340 map to u0300 at 
/usr/local/bin/afmtodit line 6586.
        /usr/local/bin/afmtodit: both acutecomb and uni0341 map to u0301 at 
/usr/local/bin/afmtodit line 6586.
        /usr/local/bin/afmtodit: both uni0313 and uni0343 map to u0313 at 
/usr/local/bin/afmtodit line 6586.
        /usr/local/bin/afmtodit: both uni02B9 and uni0374 map to u02B9 at 
/usr/local/bin/afmtodit line 6586.
        /usr/local/bin/afmtodit: both alphatonos and uni1F71 map to u03B1_0301 
at /usr/local/bin/afmtodit line 6586.
        /usr/local/bin/afmtodit: both epsilontonos and uni1F73 map to 
u03B5_0301 at /usr/local/bin/afmtodit line 6586.
        /usr/local/bin/afmtodit: both etatonos and uni1F75 map to u03B7_0301 at 
/usr/local/bin/afmtodit line 6586.
        /usr/local/bin/afmtodit: both iotatonos and uni1F77 map to u03B9_0301 
at /usr/local/bin/afmtodit line 6586.
        /usr/local/bin/afmtodit: both omicrontonos and uni1F79 map to 
u03BF_0301 at /usr/local/bin/afmtodit line 6586.
        /usr/local/bin/afmtodit: both omegatonos and uni1F7D map to u03C9_0301 
at /usr/local/bin/afmtodit line 6586.
        /usr/local/bin/afmtodit: both Alphatonos and uni1FBB map to u0391_0301 
at /usr/local/bin/afmtodit line 6586.
        /usr/local/bin/afmtodit: both Epsilontonos and uni1FC9 map to 
u0395_0301 at /usr/local/bin/afmtodit line 6586.
        /usr/local/bin/afmtodit: both Etatonos and uni1FCB map to u0397_0301 at 
/usr/local/bin/afmtodit line 6586.
        /usr/local/bin/afmtodit: both iotadieresistonos and uni1FD3 map to 
u03B9_0308_0301 at /usr/local/bin/afmtodit line 6586.
        /usr/local/bin/afmtodit: both Iotatonos and uni1FDB map to u0399_0301 
at /usr/local/bin/afmtodit line 6586.
        /usr/local/bin/afmtodit: both Upsilontonos and uni1FEB map to 
u03A5_0301 at /usr/local/bin/afmtodit line 6586.
        /usr/local/bin/afmtodit: both dieresistonos and uni1FEE map to 
u00A8_0301 at /usr/local/bin/afmtodit line 6586.
        /usr/local/bin/afmtodit: both Omicrontonos and uni1FF9 map to 
u039F_0301 at /usr/local/bin/afmtodit line 6586.
        /usr/local/bin/afmtodit: both Omegatonos and uni1FFB map to u03A9_0301 
at /usr/local/bin/afmtodit line 6586.
        /usr/local/bin/afmtodit: both uni2000 and uni2002 map to u2002 at 
/usr/local/bin/afmtodit line 6586.
        /usr/local/bin/afmtodit: both uni2001 and uni2003 map to u2003 at 
/usr/local/bin/afmtodit line 6586.
        /usr/local/bin/afmtodit: both Ohm and uni2126 map to u03A9 at 
/usr/local/bin/afmtodit line 6586.
        /usr/local/bin/afmtodit: both uni1FE3 and upsilondieresistonos map to 
u03C5_0308_0301 at /usr/local/bin/afmtodit line 6586.
        /usr/local/bin/afmtodit: both uni1F7B and upsilontonos map to 
u03C5_0301 at /usr/local/bin/afmtodit line 6586.
        /usr/local/bin/afmtodit: both patah and yodyod_patah map to u05B7 at 
/usr/local/bin/afmtodit line 6586.

Are any of those warnings something I should take care of?  Or should I
just ignore them?  If they're unimportant, can I ask that low severity
warnings not be printed?  Or should I just 2>/dev/null?

Well, apart from those warnings, that works.  Now, I repeat the process
with the Unifont:

        $ make build-fonts-unifont -B --debug=pretty
        MKDIR           .tmp/fonts/devpdf/
        install -m 755 -d .tmp/fonts/devpdf/
        FONTFORGE       .tmp/fonts/devpdf/Unifont.pfa
        fontforge   -lang=ff \
        Copyright (c) 2000-2024. See AUTHORS for Contributors.
         License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later 
         with many parts BSD <http://fontforge.org/license.html>. Please read 
         Version: 20230101
         Based on sources from 2024-03-07 23:15 UTC-ML-D-GDK3.
        Program root: /usr
        AFMTODIT        .tmp/fonts/devpdf/UnifontR
        afmtodit -e /usr/share/groff/current/font/devpdf/enc/text.enc 
.tmp/fonts/devpdf/Unifont.afm /usr/share/groff/current/font/devpdf/map/text.map 

Much nicer on stderr, which gave me hope at first.

But then I try to build the PDF book with both fonts.

        $ grep -rh -e Tinos -e Unifont share/mk/build/pdf/book/
                print ".pdfpagenumbering D . 1\n.nr PDFOUTLINE.FOLDLEVEL 
0\n.defcolor pdf:href.colour rgb 0.00 0.25 0.75\n.pdfinfo /Title \"The Linux 
man-pages Book\"\n.special TinosR UnifontR S\n";

And I get a warning about the Unifont:

        $ make build-pdf-book
        GROPDF          .tmp/man-pages-6.7-70-gd80376b08.pdf
        troff:.tmp/fonts/devpdf/UnifontR: error: font description 'spacewidth' 
directive missing
        troff:fanotify_init.2:322: warning [page 192, 4.2i]: cannot adjust line
        troff:membarrier.2:272: warning [page 475, 3.0i]: cannot adjust line
        statx.2:240: warning: table wider than line length minus indentation
        troff:syscall.2:171: warning: cannot select font 'CW'
        troff:syscall.2:301: warning: cannot select font 'CW'
        troff:syscalls.2:205: warning [page 1074, 5.7i (diversion '3tbd17,0', 
0.0i)]: cannot adjust line
        troff:syscalls.2:760: warning [page 1074, 5.7i (diversion '3tbd174,0', 
0.0i)]: cannot break line
        troff:syscalls.2:1278: warning [page 1074, 5.7i (diversion '3tbd317,0', 
0.0i)]: cannot break line
        ^Cmake: *** 
 .tmp/man-pages-6.7-70-gd80376b08.pdf] Interrupt

Did I do anything wrong with the Unifont?  I suspect of treating it as a
Regular font without any indication that I should.

(The Tinos changes are already in master.  The Unifont changes are in
 the contrib branch, since I'm not yet happy with them.)

Have a lovely day!


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