Hello Bento,

Damian McGuckin <dami...@esi.com.au> a écrit :
> Bento,
> On Tue, 21 May 2024, Bento Borges Schirmer wrote:
>> I think I will stop reproducing templates for conferences for now.
> Wise move. I just tweak my standard template every time.
>> different template, such as that of ACM!
> Mine is close to this.
>> That's the entire idea after all, right!? I'll be using defaults for
>> now and worry less.
> Very wise move.
>> And then, after getting the actual research done and written, I can
>> spend some time tailoring the final print, I hope to find help here :)
>> :) Like how to handle all the ABNT rules for citations and references
>> :(
> That is the 'refer' tool. Which is a whole new ball game. I wish I
> understood it better than I do.

Refer is very powerful but may require some tweaking like Hans Bezemer
did to get APA-style citations:


>> Now I'm thinking about writing filters and preprocessors. I dunno if
>> groff or mm provide mechanisms to reference figures and headers,
>> which would be handy. Unless that is the case, I'm thinking about
>> writing small C programs that recognize some commands and count
>> figures and headers and replace text for me when referencing them,
>> something like that. I dunno I dunno. Let's see.
> The Table of Contents macro already handles Figures and Tables and
> Headings.  You caption each table and figure with .TB and .FG macros
> respectively/

To add to what Damian said, you could look at page 121 in the Unix
Text Processing book:


>> Whenever I search for users of groff, people frequently mention
>> computer generated content, such as for business. So I guess troff
>> can be used "directly" by writers, but it also suited to be easy to
>> be... generated?
> Yes. We process a database to automatically generate the invoice details
> which is then run through 'groff -mm' to provide the invoice on a
> company letterhead.

Also did an ersatz of this at my previous job to generate numbered
invoices.  The hardest part was finding the company logo in postscript
format :D


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