Hi folks,

Bertrand and I have heard back from the GNU maintainers team.  As of
yesterday, they have offered me the maintainer role for groff and I have
communicated my acceptance.

I haven't received notification of any changed "permission bits" or
anything else, and don't expect to immediately, so for now I do not
regard anything as having logistically changed; if we needed to tag and
push groff 1.24.0.rc1 tomorrow, Bertrand would have to do it.

Nevertheless we seem to be into the procedural, rather than the social,
part of the handover process, so I thought I'd let the community know.

I don't expect to update the groff web page with my changed status until
I can "exercise maintainerly powers", as it were.[1]


[1] https://xkcd.com/149/

    I had a more apropos cartoon in mind, involving a ghost flying out
    of a computer monitor and a caption reading "rootly powers", that is
    at least 20 years old (a co-worker used to have it on his office
    door), but I could not find it in a web search.  Oh well.

    Maybe it was from Nemeth et al.'s Unix sysadmin book...

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