I think that may well be the case. The polymer would move freely towards and 
away from the bilayer in the Z direction but would never diffuse or get close 
enough to interact. I've just run a simulation placing the polymer in a tight 
space with a bilayer above and below it and theres barely any movement of the 
polymer along the Z axis, its seems that there's something 'repelling' it any 
time it gets close to the bilayer. I've attached a text version of my mdp file, 
I would like to attach snapshots of my system setup but it would exceed the 50 
KB limit.

> Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 17:15:25 -0400
> From: jalem...@vt.edu
> To: gmx-us...@gromacs.org
> Subject: Re: [gmx-users] Polymer not diffusing into membrane
> On 8/12/14, 1:35 PM, Alex s wrote:
> > I've run it for 200 ns which I think is long enough allow the polymer to 
> > diffuse.
> >
> If, as you say, it "never interacts or diffuses," it suggests that you're 
> applying some sort of restraint.  Without seeing .mdp files and some sort of 
> quantitative measure of what you're seeing, it's hard to comment further. 
> Images would also be helpful.  It depends on the size of the system and the 
> initial distance, but I would think you'd need far less than 200 ns to see 
> such 
> an interaction.
> -Justin
> >> Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 10:41:52 +0200
> >> From: deviceran...@gmail.com
> >> To: gmx-us...@gromacs.org
> >> Subject: Re: [gmx-users] Polymer not diffusing into membrane
> >>
> >> How long is your simulation? Are you sure it is long enough to see what you
> >> want to see?
> >> On 12 Aug 2014 07:15, "Alex s" <as1...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> >>
> >>> Dear Gromacs users
> >>> I'm not sure if this a question suitable for this forum but I would
> >>> greatly appreciate it if you can help me in anyway regarding this issue.
> >>> I've have a system made up of a lipid bilayer, water and a single chain
> >>> polymer.  My aim is to place the polymer just above the lipid bilayer in
> >>> the water phase and let it diffuse into the bilayer. This polymer has been
> >>> shown to interact with the lipid bilayer in previous studies us. The issue
> >>> I'm having is that in my simulation the polymer stays in the water phase
> >>> just hovering above the lipid membrane and never interacts or diffuses.
> >>> I've tried simulating it in a number of different ways by varying the
> >>> number of water molecules, changing box size or polymer position however I
> >>> haven't had any success yet. The main steps in setting up my system is as
> >>> follows:
> >>> 1. Simulate the Lipid bilayer alone to equilibrate it. 2. Take the final
> >>> box size of the lipid bilayer and use it to place the Polymer at specific
> >>> point just above the lipid bilayer. 3. Perform energy minimization on the
> >>> system4. Perform NVT and NPT5. Run the simulation
> >>> Any advice would be helpful
> >>> Regards
> >>> Alex
> >>> --
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> >
> -- 
> ==================================================
> Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
> Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Postdoctoral Fellow
> Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
> School of Pharmacy
> Health Sciences Facility II, Room 601
> University of Maryland, Baltimore
> 20 Penn St.
> Baltimore, MD 21201
> jalem...@outerbanks.umaryland.edu | (410) 706-7441
> http://mackerell.umaryland.edu/~jalemkul
> ==================================================
> -- 
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title                    = Martini
cpp                      = /usr/bin/cpp

integrator               = md
; start time and timestep in ps = 
tinit                    = 0.0
dt                       = 0.040
nsteps                   = 1250000
; number of steps for center of mass motion removal = 
nstcomm                  = 1
comm-grps                = 

; Output frequency for coords (x), velocities (v) and forces (f) = 
nstxout                  = 5000
nstvout                  = 5000
nstfout                  = 0
; Output frequency for energies to log file and energy file = 
nstlog                   = 1000
nstenergy                = 100
; Output frequency and precision for xtc file = 
nstxtcout                = 1000
xtc_precision            = 100
; This selects the subset of atoms for the xtc file. You can = 
; select multiple groups. By default all atoms will be written. = 
xtc-grps                 = 
; Selection of energy groups = 
energygrps               = 

; nblist update frequency = 
nstlist                  = 10
; ns algorithm (simple or grid) = 
ns_type                  = grid
; Periodic boundary conditions: xyz or none = 
pbc                      = xyz
; nblist cut-off         = 
rlist                    = 1.2

; Method for doing electrostatics = 
coulombtype              = Shift 
rcoulomb_switch          = 0.0
rcoulomb                 = 1.2
; Dielectric constant (DC) for cut-off or DC of reaction field = 
epsilon_r                = 15
; Method for doing Van der Waals = 
vdw_type                 = Shift 
; cut-off lengths        = 
rvdw_switch              = 0.9
rvdw                     = 1.2
; Apply long range dispersion corrections for Energy and Pressure = 
DispCorr                 = No

; Temperature coupling   = 
tcoupl                   = Berendsen
; Groups to couple separately = 
tc-grps                  = DPPC POL W ION
; Time constant (ps) and reference temperature (K) = 
tau_t                    = 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
ref_t                    = 325 325 325 325 325
; Pressure coupling      = 
Pcoupl                   = berendsen 
Pcoupltype               = semiisotropic
; Time constant (ps), compressibility (1/bar) and reference P (bar) = 
tau_p                    = 0.2  0.2 0.2 0.2 
compressibility          = 3e-5 3e-5 3e-5 3e-5
ref_p                    = 1.0  1.0 1.0 1.0

gen_vel                  = no
gen_temp                 = 105
gen_seed                 = 473529

constraints              = none 
; Type of constraint algorithm = 
constraint_algorithm     = Lincs
; Do not constrain the start configuration = 
unconstrained_start      = no
; Highest order in the expansion of the constraint coupling matrix = 
lincs_order              = 4
; Lincs will write a warning to the stderr if in one step a bond = 
; rotates over more degrees than = 
lincs_warnangle          = 30
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