Dear all, 

After the energy minimisation calculation, I plotted the (energy vs time) profile for some structures with the ener.xvg file.

However, of all the energy minimised structures I have, one did not work.

I have been trying to convert the energy minimised file "ener.edr" to "ener.xvg" using the command: g_energy_mpi -f ener.edr -o ener.xvg

As the same procedure worked for all my other structures, this fatal error read: 

Program g_energy_mpi, VERSION 5.0

Source code file: /home/choimin/Gromacs/gromacs-5.0/src/gromacs/fileio/enxio.c, line: 822

Fatal error:

Energy file ener.edr not recognized, maybe different CPU?

The xvg file was successfully produced for other structures, why did it fail on this particular system?



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