On 11/7/14 12:30 AM, Venkat Reddy wrote:
Dear Justin,
Please check the atom section of "toppar_all36_lipid_cholesterol.str" file
that I pasted below.

* Toppar stream file for cholesterol.  Stream following reading of
* top_all36_lipid.rtf  and par_all36_lipid.rtf

!Suits, F., Pitman, M., MacKerell, A.D., Jr., Feller, S.E. "Molecular Level
!Organization of Saturated and Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in a
!Phosphatidylcholine Bilayer Containing Cholesterol" Submitted
!for publication

I see where the problem is. Note that this file says "Submitted for publication," but it was actually published 10 years ago. This stream file is outdated. The CHL1 model I included in the CHARMM36 distribution is the current one, which uses CRL1 for C3 and a series of NBFIXes described in the 2012 paper by Lim et al. (full reference in forcefield.doc).

You can get the latest, updated CHARMM36 force field files from http://mackerell.umaryland.edu/charmm_ff.shtml#charmm


read rtf card append
* cholesterol residues

RESI CHL1          0.00  !cholesterol (name to avoid conflict with choline)
! atoms names correspond to the correct cholesterol nomenclature
ATOM C3   CTL1     0.14
ATOM O3   OHL     -0.66
ATOM H3'  HOL      0.43
ATOM H3   HAL1     0.09
ATOM C4   CTL2    -0.18
ATOM H4A  HAL2     0.09
ATOM H4B  HAL2     0.09
ATOM C5   CEL1     0.00
ATOM C6   CEL1    -0.15
ATOM H6   HEL1     0.15
ATOM C7   CTL2    -0.18
ATOM H7A  HAL2     0.09
ATOM H7B  HAL2     0.09
ATOM C8   CTL1    -0.09
ATOM H8   HAL1     0.09
ATOM C14  CTL1    -0.09
ATOM H14  HAL1     0.09
ATOM C15  CTL2    -0.18
ATOM H15A HAL2     0.09
ATOM H15B HAL2     0.09
ATOM C16  CTL2    -0.18
ATOM H16A HAL2     0.09
ATOM H16B HAL2     0.09
ATOM C17  CTL1    -0.09
ATOM H17  HAL1     0.09
ATOM C13  CTL1     0.00
ATOM C18  CTL3    -0.27  !methyl at c13
ATOM H18A HAL3     0.09
ATOM H18B HAL3     0.09
ATOM H18C HAL3     0.09
ATOM C12  CTL2    -0.18
ATOM H12A HAL2     0.09
ATOM H12B HAL2     0.09
ATOM C11  CTL2    -0.18
ATOM H11A HAL2     0.09
ATOM H11B HAL2     0.09
ATOM C9   CTL1    -0.09
ATOM H9   HAL1     0.09
ATOM C10  CTL1     0.00
ATOM C19  CTL3    -0.27  !methyl at c10
ATOM H19A HAL3     0.09
ATOM H19B HAL3     0.09
ATOM H19C HAL3     0.09
ATOM C1   CTL2    -0.18
ATOM H1A  HAL2     0.09
ATOM H1B  HAL2     0.09
ATOM C2   CTL2    -0.18
ATOM H2A  HAL2     0.09
ATOM H2B  HAL2     0.09
ATOM C20  CTL2    -0.09
ATOM H20  HAL2     0.09
ATOM C21  CTL3    -0.27
ATOM H21A HAL3     0.09
ATOM H21B HAL3     0.09
ATOM H21C HAL3     0.09
ATOM C22  CTL2    -0.18
ATOM H22A HAL2     0.09
ATOM H22B HAL2     0.09
ATOM C23  CTL2    -0.18
ATOM H23A HAL2     0.09
ATOM H23B HAL2     0.09
ATOM C24  CTL2    -0.18  !beyond this nomenclature may not be correct
ATOM H24A HAL2     0.09
ATOM H24B HAL2     0.09
ATOM C25  CTL1    -0.09  !c25
ATOM H25  HAL1     0.09
ATOM C26  CTL3    -0.27  !terminal methyl, c26
ATOM H26A HAL3     0.09
ATOM H26B HAL3     0.09
ATOM H26C HAL3     0.09
ATOM C27  CTL3    -0.27  !terminal methyl, c27
ATOM H27A HAL3     0.09
ATOM H27B HAL3     0.09
ATOM H27C HAL3     0.09

On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 7:16 PM, Justin Lemkul <jalem...@vt.edu> wrote:

On 11/6/14 8:38 AM, Venkat Reddy wrote:

Dear Justin,
Yes, the problem is with the blank line at the end of atomtypes.atp. Now
its working fine. I have added the missing dihedral types from other

Thanks, I will fix that.

  I have compared the cholesterol CHARMM parameters that are converted to
gromacs format and original parameters from
"toppar_all36_lipid_cholesterol.str" file available in CHARMM website. I
found some variations in the atom types.

For eg., The atom type of  C3 atom from sterol ring in cholesterol is CTL1
in CHARMM whereas it is CG311 in charmm36-Nov2014.ff.

Which residue are you looking at?  There is no C3 atom with type CTL1 in
that stream file.  In any case, CG311 and CTL1 have identical parameters
(see ffnonbonded.itp) since CG311 is used for CGenFF model compounds, which
in the case of lipids, were just ported over and given unique types.
Anything with a "G" as the second letter in the atom type is from CGenFF,
indicating "general" to differentiate them from the main CHARMM types.



Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Postdoctoral Fellow

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
School of Pharmacy
Health Sciences Facility II, Room 629
University of Maryland, Baltimore
20 Penn St.
Baltimore, MD 21201

jalem...@outerbanks.umaryland.edu | (410) 706-7441

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Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Postdoctoral Fellow

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
School of Pharmacy
Health Sciences Facility II, Room 629
University of Maryland, Baltimore
20 Penn St.
Baltimore, MD 21201

jalem...@outerbanks.umaryland.edu | (410) 706-7441

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