Dear gmx-users, 

Q1) I would like to plot the radius profile of a water droplet on graphene, as a function of z-direction, as per below:

Which GROAMCS utility should I use, and how do I go about plotting the profile?

Q2) Another question that I have is, suppose I have equilibrated (NVT) a water droplet for 10ns, and would like to plot the H-bond density (along the z-direction), 

I type the following command:

g_density_mpi -f traj_comp.xtc -n system.ndx -s topol.tpr -b 9000 -e 10000 -sl 1000 -dens number -o number-density-OH.xvg

I was only able to select:


Graphene (my substrate)


How can I create a system.ndx such that it allows me to choose the OH (instead of water)?

Q3) Regarding Q2, the g_density_mpi utility read the frames contained within the time frame of 9 - 10 ns, but does it average the frames to give a time-averaged density.xvg? 

Thank you for your time, any feedback is appreciated.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!



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