On 1/16/15 8:56 AM, mah maz wrote:
Hi Justin,
I haven't come to a conclusion yet and need your help! I attached a copy of
a typical g_energy -f ener.edr -o copied from terminal and an .mdp file.

  Bond                        18506.5         50    1625.68   -301.714
Angle                       9839.32         13    580.506   -30.2625
Proper Dih.                 60199.3         23    845.936    106.894
LJ-14                       40461.9         41    1748.27   -227.144
Coulomb-14                        0          0          0          0
LJ (SR)                    -10117.7        2.6    118.855   -3.85515
Coulomb (SR)               -156.169          9     40.823    35.6671
Potential                    118733         74    1142.65   -420.414
Kinetic En.                 14932.1        7.3    423.825   -50.1192
Total Energy                 133665         81    1221.66   -470.533
Conserved En.                180812         57    121.277    397.186
Temperature                 295.064       0.14    8.37495  -0.990376  (K)
Pressure                  -0.072961       0.17     17.163  -0.120159  (bar)
Vir-XX                      4860.45        210    21707.3    26.9299
Vir-XY                      4.73233        3.3     1176.9   -2.74323
Vir-XZ                      3.18097        7.5    1907.36     4.2031
Vir-YX                      4.73147        3.3    1176.89   -2.74818
Vir-YY                      5388.86         39     5500.8    202.824
Vir-YZ                    0.0509392        3.2    1101.97    3.89409
Vir-ZX                      3.18089        7.5    1907.36    4.19967
Vir-ZY                    0.0514236        3.2    1101.97    3.89442
Vir-ZZ                      4871.76        200    21686.4    31.3387
Pres-XX                    0.156061       0.25    25.1574  -0.125195  (bar)
Pres-XY                  -0.00268517     0.0033    1.36879 0.00150158  (bar)
Pres-XZ                  -0.00196111     0.0098    2.21263 -0.0154319  (bar)
Pres-YX                  -0.00268417     0.0033    1.36879 0.00150732  (bar)
Pres-YY                   -0.511872      0.019    6.38934 -0.0849178  (bar)
Pres-YZ                  0.000542369     0.0017    1.27895 0.00355122  (bar)
Pres-ZX                  -0.00196102     0.0098    2.21263 -0.0154279  (bar)
Pres-ZY                  0.000541808     0.0017    1.27895 0.00355084  (bar)
Pres-ZZ                    0.136928       0.24    25.1334  -0.150365  (bar)
#Surf*SurfTen               8.81535        3.2    359.945   -1.26863  (bar
T-CNT                       295.063       0.14    8.44198  -0.997647  (K)
T-grp1                  295.202       0.21    38.5349   0.485478  (K)
T-grp2                    294.688       0.32    53.7236   -2.39488  (K)

dt                  =  0.0001
tinit               =  0
nsteps              =  2000000
nstxout             =  1000
nstvout             =  1000
nstfout             =  0
nstlog              =  1000
nstenergy           =  1000
nstlist             =  5
ns_type             =  grid
rlist               =  0.9
coulombtype         =  cutoff
rcoulomb            = 0.9
rvdw                =  0.9
pbc                 = xyz
integrator          = md-vv
Tcoupl              =  nose-hoover
tau_t               =  0.1 0.1 0.1
ref_t               =  295 295 295
tc_grps             = CNT grp1 grp2
gen_temp            = 295

Your answer to any of these questions would be a ton of help!
These potential energies are the average ones, how can I get the final
potential of the system? Are average potentials good terms to decide if the
simulation was wrong?

The .edr file contains energies at every nstenergy steps. An instantaneous value is not terribly useful, though.

Can the positive potentials be the effect of forcefield inappropriate files?
The system is a CNT containing some solvent. Can positive potentials be the
reflection of the system's angle pressure not willing to reform from plane
graphene system?

The outcome indicates that the potential energy is dominated by bonded (i.e. intramolecular) interactions, while there are few/weak nonbonded interactions among the atoms in the system. If I'm interpreting what you're saying, there is some solvent inside the CNT, and nothing outside? Generally, most condensed phase systems (at least those in water) are dominated by electrostatic interactions, whereas your system has a negligible amount of electrostatics. The overall effect is a function of what your species are. But for that, you're going to have to tell us what "grp1" and "grp2" are, what their topologies are, etc.

But in reality, there seems to be nothing "wrong" with the simulation; it's just atypical, and you can't really compare it to a "normal" simulation with a lot of water.



Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Postdoctoral Fellow

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
School of Pharmacy
Health Sciences Facility II, Room 629
University of Maryland, Baltimore
20 Penn St.
Baltimore, MD 21201

jalem...@outerbanks.umaryland.edu | (410) 706-7441

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