The rtp file format and its acceptable entries are not forcefield-specific (oplsaa seems to look up triplets for [ angles ] elsewhere), I just wanted to give an example of that.

The oplsaa version of aminoacids.rtp only lists dihedral and improper angles explicitly, and that is exactly what's grompp complaining about in your case.



Dear Sir

I am using oplsaa force field. 

In the .rtp file i did not found angles secion for any amino acid.

yes there are sections for dihedrals and impropers.

sorry for troubling you.


Anurag Dobhal

Juniour Research fellow

Supervisor: Dr. Ratnesh D. Jain

Department of chemical engineering

Insttute of Chemical Technology

400019, +91 8898486877

On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 1:03 PM, Alex <> wrote:

"Which angles?" -- wait until Mark Abraham gets here.

You must have a very special version of aminoacids.rtp



Thank you

But which angles I need to add in .rtp file.

are you talking about impropers and dihedrals ???

as In aminoacid.rtp there is no section for angles.


Anurag Dobhal

Juniour Research fellow

Supervisor: Dr. Ratnesh D. Jain

Department of chemical engineering

Insttute of Chemical Technology

400019, +91 8898486877

On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 12:47 PM, Sasha <> wrote:

You said you found the rtp entry to be correct, and yet the one you attached has no angles listed, none whatsoever. 



Thank you for your reply.

I am simulating a PLGA (poly lactic co-glycolic acid molecle).

I get the topology file and I solvated the molecule. 

my system is neutral.

while running the grompp I got 6 No default Ryckaert-Bell. types.

I rechecked my parameters in .rtp file and I found them correct, or may be I am unable to found the problem.

I am using ions.mdp file which is given in the tutorial (lysozyme tutorial).

I have attatched the .pdb file and the .rtp parameters for them.

can you please check the parameters which I have given. so that I can rectify the errors.

awaiting for your reply.


Anurag Dobhal

Juniour Research fellow

Supervisor: Dr. Ratnesh D. Jain

Department of chemical engineering

Insttute of Chemical Technology

400019, +91 8898486877

On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 12:11 PM, Alex <> wrote:

It may sound surprising, but this is resolved by either introducing

correct R-B term parameters in your topology/ff definitions, or by removing the mess from

the input coordinates, especially when non-bonded atoms are determined to

participate in a dihedral.

Humor aside, more information about the system is needed.


AD> Hello all

AD> How can I address the "No default Ryckaert-Bell. types error".

AD> The error is also in between the atoms which are not bonded with each other.

AD> Thank you

AD> --


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