Good data Mirco, but let me emphasize that your measurements only
reflect the case of heavily GPU-bound workloads!

5-6% performance improvement with PCI-E 3.0 vs 2.0 is about the
maximum you'll see when, like in RF runs where, we there is no enough
CPU work to fully overlap with the GPU computation (indicated  by more
than a few % in the "Waif for GPU" counter). However, if there is PME
CPU work that balance well with the GPU work, while you will still get
shorter CPU-GPU transfer times, the impact of this on the total
runtime will be smaller.


On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 4:10 PM, Mirco Wahab
<> wrote:
> On 11.06.2015 14:07, David McGiven wrote:
>> Your 1-3% claim is based on the webpage you linked ?
>> Is it reliable to compare GPU performances for gromacs with those of 3D
>> videogames ?
> OK, you got me on this. As much as I'd wish I cannot
> really back up my claim of comparability. I have been
> out of office for one week but did some tests here
> for myself today.
> The system is Haswell/E (i7-5820K), GPU is single GTX-980
> (the "normal" Gigabyte Model), the test run is ADH-cubic-vsites
> (reaction field) from the bottom of the Gromacs acceleration page
> (
> I can explicitly set the PCIe-x16 slots to 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0
> (which I did). Theoretically (and practically), PCIe-x16 2.0
> should be relatively  close in bandwidth to PCIe-x8 3.0, so this
> should give some hints as what to expect.
> adh-cubic-vsites/rf - ns/day:
>   PCIE-x16/1.0  54.46
>   PCIE-x16/2.0  61.81
>   PCIE-x16/3.0  64.52
> percentage related to PCIE-x16/3.0
>   PCIE-x16/1.0  84.4
>   PCIE-x16/2.0  95.8
>   PCIE-x16/3.0  100
> (each value = avg. of three runs)
> Therefore one could support the hypothesis
> that using one card in x16 and one in x8
> would probably show a performance penalty
> of around  5% on the x8 card.
> Regards
> M.
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