
On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 6:27 AM Christopher Neale <
chris.ne...@alum.utoronto.ca> wrote:

> Dear Users:
> I have a system with many distance restraints, designed to maintain
> helical character, e.g.:
> [ distance_restraints ]
> 90 33 1 1 2 2.745541e-01 3.122595e-01 999 1.0
> 97 57 1 2 2 2.876300e-01 2.892921e-01 999 1.0
> 114 73 1 3 2 2.704403e-01 2.929642e-01 999 1.0
> ...
> Distance restraints are properly turned on in the .mdp file with:
> disre=simple
> disre-fc=1000
> The run works fine on a single node (gmx 4.6.7 here and for all that
> follows):
> mdrun -nt 24 ...
> The run also works fine on two nodes:
> ibrun -np 48 mdrun_mpi ...
> However, if I try to do temperature replica exchange (REMD), with two
> replicas and two nodes like this:
> ibrun -np 48 mdrun_mpi -multi 2 -replex 200 ...
> then I get the error message:
> Fatal error:
> Time or ensemble averaged or multiple pair distance restraints do not work
> (yet) with domain decomposition, use particle decomposition (mdrun option
> -pd)

Right. Unfortunately, the ensemble-restraints code dates from some of the
very early days of GROMACS. It uses mdrun -multi and (IIRC) is hard-coded
to be on if its topology and runtime conditions are satisfied. That is, you
can't run non-ensemble distance restraints with normal mdrun -multi. So
when REMD also uses mdrun -multi, things get confused.

Aside: I tried particle decomposition, but when I do that without the REMD,
> simply running the 48-core job that worked fine with domain decomposition,
> I get LINCS errors and quickly a crash (note that without -pd I have 25 ns
> and counting of run without error):
> Step 0, time 0 (ps)  LINCS WARNING in simulation 0
> relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
> rms 5.774043, max 48.082966 (between atoms 21554 and 21555)
> bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
>  atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length
> ...
> So I am stuck with an error message that is not entirely helpful because
> (a) the -pd option does not solve the issue even without REMD and also (b)
> the issue seems to be related to REMD (because without REMD I can run on
> multiple nodes) though that is not mentioned in the error message.

Yes, the ensemble restraints code is issuing that message. It doesn't know
that REMD is a thing.

> I note that Mark Abraham mentioned here:
> http://redmine.gromacs.org/issues/1117 that:
> "You can use MPI, you just can't have more than one domain (= MPI rank)
> per simulation. For a multi-simulation with distance restraints and not
> replica-exchange, you thus must have as many MPI ranks as simulations, so
> that each simulation has one rank and thus one domain."
> I have trouble interpreting this, as I have always thought that running
> MPI across multiple nodes requires multiple domains (apparently = MPI
> ranks), so I am confused as to why that is possible without REMD but gets
> messy with REMD.

I'm not sure why I mentioned REMD, but the topic there is ensemble

> Final note: I am not trying to do "Time or ensemble averaged" distance
> restraints, and I think that I am not trying to do "multiple pair distance
> restraints", unless that simply means having more than one  simple distance
> restraint. So at the very least I think that the error message that I get
> is confusing.

Unfortunately that's thanks to the magic helpfulness of the feature turning
itself on (IIRC). Your setting of type'=2 would probably stop the feature
doing anything, but the check doesn't know that.

> If the solution or source of error is obvious then sorry.. maybe I just
> don't get MPI well enough.

No, you understand well enough. Some of the code is not good enough any

It occurs to me now that a one line hack that does "oh, so you're running
mdrun -replex? you clearly don't want ensemble restraints" might work. I'll
see what I can find (probably not before Monday).


Thank you for your suggestions,
> Chris.
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