Dear Hannes,

> I have some trouble reading your top file in my web browser
Apologies, am not sure if this works in this list, but I am now also
attaching my and grompp.mdp files.
I hope this let's you see better what I am doing wrong.

> As your two dummy types appear to be identical
> you can define just one.
Thank you, as you can see in, I now have only one dummy atom
type called "XX".

> I think your transformations are IPX->Na+, IMX->Cl-.
my "typeA" columns are "XX" and "IM" (NA+)
my "typeB" columns are "IM" and "XX" (CL-)
If I understand correctly (do I?), lambda=0 corresponds to "typeA",
whereas lambda=1 corresponds to "typeB", so my transformation is
"XX" -> "Na+", "Cl-" -> "XX"

Thanks a bunch,

On 30.11.2015 17:30, wrote:
> Dear Sebastian,
> I have some trouble reading your top file in my web browser but I think your 
> transformations are IPX->Na+, IMX->Cl-.  So you would have to reverse the 
> columns for the first atom.  As your two dummy types appear to be identical 
> you can define just one.
> Cheers,
> Hannes.
> ________________________________________
> From: 
> [] on behalf of Sebastian 
> Stolzenberg []
> Sent: 30 November 2015 16:19
> To:
> Subject: Re: [gmx-users] tutorial for "dual" alchemical transformation in 
> gromacs?
> Dear Hannes,
> Thank you very much for your answer.
>> Practical question: why would you want to do that?
>> Your two molecules will drift apart unless parts of the molecules are
>> linked together in a "single" topology fashion or or you introduce
>> other restraints/constraints.
> I am doing some method development, so my plan is to currently fix all
> atoms of A and B.
>> In practice, you can do that with Gromacs relatively easily.  The
>> manual describes how to set up the A and the B state of a molecule.
> OK, thanks. As a start, I set up a simple "Cl->Na in a water box" system:
> gro file:
>     1  Na+  NA+    1   1.434   1.045   1.049
>     2  Cl-  CL-    2   1.434   1.045   1.049
>     3  WAT    O    3   2.914   1.241   1.997
>     3  WAT   H1    4   2.899   1.335   1.984
>     3  WAT   H2    5   2.841   1.212   2.052
> ...
> i.e., I transform a "Cl-" into a "Na+" by de-coupling (annihiliating)
> the non-bonded interactions of "Cl-" and coupling (letting appear) the
> ones for "Na+". This I attempt by defining "dummy" atom types IMX and
> IPX for Cl- and Na+, respectively:
> top file:
> ...
> [ atomtypes ]
> ;name   bond_type     mass     charge   ptype   sigma         epsilon
>     Amb
>  IP       IP          0.00000  0.00000   A     3.32840e-01   1.15897e-02
> ; 1.87  0.0028
>  IM       IM          0.00000  0.00000   A     4.40104e-01   4.18400e-01
> ; 2.47  0.1000
>  IPX      IP          0.00000  0.00000   A     0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00
> ; 0.00  0.0000
>  IMX      IM          0.00000  0.00000   A     0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00
> ; 0.00  0.0000
> ...
> [ atoms ]
>   ; id_    at type res nr  residu name     at name  cg nr  charge   mass
>  typeB chargeB   massB
>     1       IPX     1          NA+         NA+       1      0
> 22.9898   IP     0     22.9898
> ...
> [ atoms ]
>   ; id_    at type res nr  residu name     at name  cg nr  charge   mass
>   typeB chargeB   massB
>     1       IM      1         CL-           CL-      1      0
> 35.45300  IMX    0     35.45300
> (Please note that for now, I artificially set the charge of each ion to
> zero to avoid total charge differences for different lambda values.
> Also, for "Cl->Na", this strategy is certainly more complicated, but in
> principle allows for different numbers of atoms between molecule A and B
> in the "A->B" transformation.)
> Unfortunately, running grompp with the standard run.mdp file from
> (I omitted "couple-lambda0" and "couple-lambda1"
> and set "couple-moltype           = NA+ CL-")
> I am puzzled by the following error message:
> "The lambda=0 and lambda=1 states for coupling are identical"
> Is it possible from this error message to see what I am doing wrong?
> Many Thanks,
> Sebastian
> On 29.11.2015 14:36, wrote:
>> Practical question: why would you want to do that?  Your two molecules will 
>> drift apart unless parts of the molecules are linked together in a "single" 
>> topology fashion or or you introduce other restraints/constraints.
>> In practice, you can do that with Gromacs relatively easily.  The manual 
>> describes how to set up the A and the B state of a molecule.
>> ________________________________________
>> From: 
>> [] on behalf of Sebastian 
>> Stolzenberg []
>> Sent: 29 November 2015 13:11
>> To:
>> Subject: [gmx-users] tutorial for "dual" alchemical transformation in   
>> gromacs?
>> Dear Gromacs experts,
>> I am looking for a Gromacs tutorial to perform a "dual" alchemical
>> transformation in a water box, i.e. a mutation or any other alchemical
>> transformation, in which:
>> the nonbonded interactions between the environment and a molecule A
>> disappear as lambda goes from 0 to 1, and
>> the nonbonded interactions between the environment and a molecule B
>> appears simultaneously.
>> Interactions between atoms A and B are to be excluded.
>> So far, I have been trying to use the Gromacs user guide to extend the
>> ethanol tutorial
>> into such a "dual" transformation, but also because I am currently faced
>> with manually manipulating my topology file, this option is highly prone
>> to my own errors.
>> Would you be able to help?
>> With Thanks and Best Regards,
>> Sebastian
>> --
>> Gromacs Users mailing list
>> * Please search the archive at 
>> before posting!
>> * Can't post? Read
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>> mail to
> --
> ----------------------------------------------
> Sebastian Stolzenberg, Ph.D.
> PostDoc, Computational Molecular Biology group
> Freie Universität Berlin
> Phone: (+49) (0)30 838 75153
> Mail:  Arnimallee 6, 14195 Berlin, Germany
> ----------------------------------------------

Sebastian Stolzenberg, Ph.D.
PostDoc, Computational Molecular Biology group
Freie Universität Berlin

Phone: (+49) (0)30 838 75153
Mail:  Arnimallee 6, 14195 Berlin, Germany
; created by acpype (Rev: 8810) on Mon Nov 30 15:20:20 2015

[ defaults ]
; nbfunc        comb-rule       gen-pairs       fudgeLJ fudgeQQ
1               2               yes             0.5     0.8333

[ atomtypes ]
;name   bond_type     mass     charge   ptype   sigma         epsilon       Amb
 IP       IP          0.00000  0.00000   A     3.32840e-01   1.15897e-02 ; 1.87 
 IM       IM          0.00000  0.00000   A     4.40104e-01   4.18400e-01 ; 2.47 
 XX       IP          0.00000  0.00000   A     0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00 ; 0.00 
 OW       OW          0.00000  0.00000   A     3.15075e-01   6.35968e-01 ; 1.77 
 HW       HW          0.00000  0.00000   A     0.00000e+00   0.00000e+00 ; 0.00 

[ moleculetype ]
  ; molname       nrexcl
  NA+             1

[ atoms ]
  ; id_    at type res nr  residu name     at name  cg nr  charge   mass  typeB 
chargeB   massB
    1       XX      1          NA+         NA+       1      0     22.9898   IP  
   0     22.9898

[ moleculetype ]
  ; molname       nrexcl
  CL-             1

[ atoms ]
  ; id_    at type res nr  residu name     at name  cg nr  charge   mass   
typeB chargeB   massB
    1       IM      1         CL-           CL-      1      0     35.45300  XX  
   0     35.45300

[ moleculetype ]
; molname       nrexcl ; TIP3P model
  WAT             2

[ atoms ]
;   nr   type  resnr residue  atom   cgnr     charge       mass
     1     OW      1     WAT     O      1     -0.834   16.00000
     2     HW      1     WAT    H1      1      0.417    1.00800
     3     HW      1     WAT    H2      1      0.417    1.00800

[ bonds ]
; i j   funct   length  force.c.
1   2   1   0.09572   462750.4 0.09572   462750.4
1   3   1   0.09572   462750.4 0.09572   462750.4

[ angles ]
; i j   k   funct   angle   force.c.
2   1   3   1   104.520    836.800  104.520    836.800
[ settles ]
; i j   funct   length
1   1   0.09572 0.15139

[ exclusions ]
1   2   3
2   1   3
3   1   2

[ system ]

[ molecules ]
; Compound        nmols
 NA+              1     
 CL-              1     
 WAT              414   
; we'll use the sd integrator with 100000 time steps (200ps)
integrator               = sd
nsteps                   = 100000
dt                       = 0.002
nstenergy                = 1000
nstlog                   = 5000
; turn off trajectory writing
nstxout                  = 0
nstvout                  = 0
; We use the old group scheme because as of writing, the Verlet scheme
; does not support free energy calculations with coupled molecules.
cutoff-scheme            = group
; cut-offs at 1.0nm
rlist                    = 1.0
dispcorr                 = EnerPres
vdw-type                 = cut-off
rvdw                     = 1.0
; Coulomb interactions 
coulombtype              = pme
rcoulomb                 = 1.0
fourierspacing           = 0.12
; Constraints
constraints              = all-bonds
; set temperature to 300K
tcoupl                   = v-rescale
tc-grps                  = system
tau-t                    = 0.2 
ref-t                    = 300 
; set pressure to 1 bar with a thermostat that gives a correct 
; thermodynamic ensemble
pcoupl                   = parrinello-rahman
ref-p                    = 1
compressibility          = 4.5e-5
tau-p                    = 5 

; energygrp-excl           = Cys Ser
; freezegrps               =   Cys    Ser
; freezedim                = Y Y Y  Y Y Y

; and set the free energy parameters
free-energy              = yes 
couple-moltype           = NA+ CL-
; these 'soft-core' parameters make sure we never get overlapping 
; charges as lambda goes to 0
sc-power                 = 1    
sc-sigma                 = 0.3  
sc-alpha                 = 1.0          
; we still want the molecule to interact with itself at lambda=0
couple-intramol          = yes   
; couple-lambda1           = vdwq
; couple-lambda0           = vdwq
init-lambda-state        = 0
; These are the lambda states at which we simulate
; for separate LJ and Coulomb decoupling, use 
fep-lambdas              = 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.9 1.0
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