Mark is right, no two ways about it. For initial equilibration and
assessing preexisting structural strains try vacuum, _much_ smaller
timesteps and possibly low temperatures in vacuum, only then transfer to
solvent, etc. Algorithmically, LINCS requires convergence and you already
are using a pretty high LINCS order... From what I see, dt = 15 fs at 310K
looks like a cowboy mode simulation in this case.


On Thu, Dec 15, 2016 at 2:32 PM, Mark Abraham <>

> Hi,
> If a simulation isn't stable with a small time step (as I think you are
> saying) then moving to a larger time step is guaranteed to make that worse.
> Try an even smaller time step, for a long time, and see what happens. Or
> take a subset of your protein and see what happens. Or simulate in vacuo
> for a while. Your topology could be unsuited to your starting structure,
> e.g. some part is under a lot of tension that gets released at some point
> and no finite time step can in practice deal with the velocity of the
> recoil...
> Mark
> On Thu, 15 Dec 2016 23:06 Nash, Anthony <> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I¹m hoping for some help. I¹m very sorry, this is a bit of a long one.
> >
> > I¹ve been struggling for almost a month trying to run a CG representation
> > of our all-atom model of a collagen protein (3 polypeptide chains in a
> > protein). Our original AMBER all-atom model had been successful modelling
> > using MD. I went on to use the latest version of with the
> > latest version of the MARTINI forcefield fields.
> >
> > After a little tweaking (the way AMBER names histidine residues), I
> > successful converted the molecule (approx 3100 amino acids) into a CG
> > representation. I successfully energy min the protein in vacuum to a
> > threshold of 500, and in solvent to a threshold of 750 using steepest
> > descent. Looking for a system at an energy min of a threshold around 300
> I
> > begin to see LINCS warnings. Observing the initial structure, there is
> > nothing obviously wrong with the bond network (both protein and polarized
> > CG water).
> >
> > I take the system that energy mins at 750 (protein-water mix, with no
> > fault reported), and went straight to NPT, 20fs step. Blew up. After a
> bit
> > of chatting with the MARTINI community, I¹ve started with an NVT
> ensemble,
> > beginning at 5s then through 10fs, 15fs, and 20fs. I only run for 1000
> > steps before switching. Keeping any of the simulations running for longer
> > throws lincs warnings followed by a segmentation fault from the warning:
> >
> > "3 particles communicated to PME rank 7 are more than 2/3 times the
> > cut-off out of the domain decomposition cell of their charge group in
> > dimension x."
> >
> > Observing the trajectories of any of the extended simulations shows the
> > protein snapping like a rope, and always at the same place. I have
> watched
> > every trajectory at this point, using numerous energy min start points,
> to
> > try and understand why it is blowing up. I can¹t see any obvious reason.
> I
> > was told to consider how the temperature is changing. Below is an example
> > of the temperature and pressure from an NPT of 20fs step continued from
> > the very short 20fs step NVT simulation (hoping that perhaps CG without
> > pressure just doesn¹t behave happily; I was wrong).
> >
> >
> > TEMP:
> > Š
> > 6.630000  311.000336
> >     6.645000  311.371643
> >     6.660000  311.724213
> >     6.675000  313.878693
> >     6.690000  681558.937500
> >
> >
> > Š
> > 6.630000    3.559879
> >     6.645000    3.901433
> >     6.660000    3.589078
> >     6.675000    4.158611
> >     6.690000  81762.437500
> >
> > The final LINCS warning from this same run:
> >
> > Step 300, time 4.5 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
> > relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
> > rms 0.000035, max 0.003386 (between atoms 2125 and 2126)
> > bonds that rotated more than 45 degrees:
> >  atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length
> >    2125   2126   68.3    0.2781   0.2691      0.2700
> >    2125   2127   45.9    0.2789   0.2701      0.2700
> >
> >
> > At this stage the structure ruptures as described above.
> >
> >
> > My NVT settings (with NPT included to save space) are:
> >
> > -----------------
> > title                    = Martini
> >
> > integrator               = md
> > dt                       = 0.015
> > nsteps                   = 1000
> > nstcomm                  = 100
> > ;comm-grps                       =
> >
> > nstxout                  = 1000
> > nstvout                  = 1000
> > nstfout                  = 0
> > nstlog                   = 1
> > nstenergy                = 1
> > nstxout-compressed       = 0
> > compressed-x-precision   = 0
> > ;compressed-x-grps        =
> > energygrps               = collagen solvent
> >
> > cutoff-scheme            = Verlet
> > nstlist                  = 20
> > ns_type                  = grid
> >
> > pbc                      = xyz
> > verlet-buffer-tolerance  = 0.005
> >
> > coulombtype              = PME ;reaction-field
> > rcoulomb                 = 1.1
> > fourierspacing       = 0.16 ;0.2  ;0.12
> >
> > epsilon_r                = 2.5 ;15      ; 2.5 (with polarizable water)
> > epsilon_rf               = 0
> > vdw_type                 = cutoff
> > vdw-modifier             = Potential-shift-verlet
> > rvdw                     = 1.1
> >
> > tcoupl                   = v-rescale ;berendsen ;v-rescale
> > tc-grps                  = collagen solvent
> > tau_t                    = 0.5 0.5 ;1.0 1.0
> > ref_t                    = 310 310
> >
> > Pcoupl                   = berendsen   ;parrinello-rahman
> > Pcoupltype               = isotropic
> > tau_p                    = 12.0  ; parrinello-rahman is more stable with
> > larger tau-p, DdJ, 20130422
> > compressibility          = 10e-4
> > ref_p                    = 1.0
> > refcoord_scaling         = com
> >
> > gen_vel                  = no
> > gen_temp                 = 310
> > gen_seed                 = 473529
> >
> > continuation = yes
> > constraints              = none
> > constraint_algorithm     = lincs
> > lincs-warnangle = 45
> > lincs-order=8
> > lincs-iter=4
> >
> >
> > ‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹
> >
> > Every setting bar the lincs iter, order, warnangle were supplied with the
> > latest version of MARTINI. During many NVT runs I have adjusted the tau-t
> > to try and keep the thermostat from oscillating its way into infinity.
> >
> > I¹m curious, will an out of control thermostat break a structure, or will
> > a structure breaking (for what ever reason this structure is breaking)
> > cause the thermostat to go out of control?
> >
> > My only thought thought is the initial .itp file that Martinize created.
> I
> > informed the script that this was collagen, therefor it sets ³F² and the
> > corresponding bonded parameters. A human collagen is not perfect in its
> > helical structure. Could there be underlying forces contributed from
> badly
> > bonded backbone-backbone arrangements?
> >
> > [ atoms ]
> >     1    N0     1   GLY    BB     1  0.0000 ; F
> >     2    N0     2   LEU    BB     2  0.0000 ; F
> >     3    C1     2   LEU   SC1     3  0.0000 ; F
> >     4    N0     3   SER    BB     4  0.0000 ; F
> >
> >
> > Many thanks
> > Anthony
> >
> > Thanks
> > Anthony
> >
> > --
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