Dear Gromacs,
I would like to extend my simulation.

200 ns was put in the "md.mdp" file, which was used to build "md_0_1.tpr".

Then, I use "mdrun -deffnm md_0_1" to submit "md_0_1.tpr".

Due to the limitation on our cluster, only 5 ns (for example) was simulated 
when the job finishes. The "md_0_1.tpr" file is NOT changed, and I got other 
new files but WITHOUT a cpt file (why?):
) md_0_1.trr
) md_0_1.xtc
) md_0_1.edr
) md_0_1.log

So I want to continue the simulation from the end of 5 ns. How should I do this?

I am not quite sure if I understand correctly from, and I also 
feel this link does not address my problem, as the tpr file was not changed in 
my case.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely

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