Dear Justin,

Thanks for the advice - after a clean up, a reboot, and some careful
application of commands, everything seems to be running nicely again.
Switching the call to below (instead of using -deffnm) is working.

gmx mdrun -s md.tpr -gpu_id 1 &

Many thanks,


On 4 January 2017 at 01:02, Justin Lemkul <> wrote:

> On 1/3/17 10:43 AM, Natalie Tatum wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I'm hoping you can shed light on (a) what my mdrun problem is and (b)
>> where
>> to start fixing it.
>> I'm simulating different mutants of a protein dimer on DNA, for 10 ns
>> a-piece. I have successfully run this protocol on the wild-type protein,
>> on
>> two single residue mutants, and on a double mutant. I came to run the same
>> on a fourth, single site mutant. I have followed the same protocols and
>> utilised the same MDP settings throughout. All were subject to 5000 steps
>> of steepest-descent energy minimisation, then 200 ps of equilibration in
>> the NVT ensemble, then the same in the NPT. For this particular mutant
>> there were no issues apparent going into production MD. Therefore, I don't
>> think it's an issue of my MDP setup or system...
>> So I have two compatible (OpenCL 1.2) AMD Radeon HD Firepro D300 GPUs, and
>> I have one mutant (run/process) assigned to each.
>> For this mutant I call mdrun with:
>> gmx mdrun -deffnm md -gpu_id 1 &
>> Whereas the other is on -gpu_id 0, and walk away. This worked successfully
>> in the week prior for two other systems. It's New Year, then I come back
>> to
>> what should be completed simulations this morning to get my hands dirty in
>> analysis.
>> Run on gpu 0 has completed successfully, all is grand.
>> Mutant on gpu 1 has not. Attempts to resume/restart fail (on either GPU,
>> or
>> both, or calling neither explicitly). All output looks like this:
>> GROMACS:      gmx mdrun, VERSION 5.1.3
>> Executable:   /usr/local/gromacs/bin/gmx
>> Data prefix:  /usr/local/gromacs
>> Command line:
>>   gmx mdrun -deffnm md
> From the .log, it appears your command was not what you think it was.  Is
> it possible that the job failed because mdrun tried to consume all
> available hardware and got hung up?
>> GROMACS version:    VERSION 5.1.3
>> Precision:          single
>> Memory model:       64 bit
>> MPI library:        thread_mpi
>> OpenMP support:     disabled
>> GPU support:        enabled
>> OpenCL support:     enabled
>> invsqrt routine:    gmx_software_invsqrt(x)
>> SIMD instructions:  AVX_256
>> FFT library:        fftw-3.3.4-sse2
>> RDTSCP usage:       enabled
>> C++11 compilation:  disabled
>> TNG support:        enabled
>> Tracing support:    disabled
>> Built on:           Mon  1 Aug 2016 17:20:18 BST
>> Built by:           natalie@t <>
>> [CMAKE]
>> Build OS/arch:      Darwin 15.5.0 x86_64
>> Build CPU vendor:   GenuineIntel
>> Build CPU brand:    Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1650 v2 @ 3.50GHz
>> Build CPU family:   6   Model: 62   Stepping: 4
>> Build CPU features: aes apic avx clfsh cmov cx8 cx16 f16c htt lahf_lm mmx
>> msr nonstop_tsc pcid pclmuldq pdcm pdpe1gb popcnt pse rdrnd rdtscp sse2
>> sse3 sse4.1 sse4.2 ssse3 tdt x2apic
>> C compiler:         /Applications/
>> nts/Developer/Toolchains/
>> XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/cc Clang
>> C compiler flags:    -mavx    -Wall -Wno-unused -Wunused-value
>> -Wunused-parameter -Wno-unknown-pragmas  -O3 -DNDEBUG
>> C++ compiler:       /Applications/
>> nts/Developer/Toolchains/
>> XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/c++ Clang
>> C++ compiler flags:  -mavx    -Wextra -Wno-missing-field-initializers
>> -Wpointer-arith -Wall -Wno-unused-function -Wno-unknown-pragmas  -O3
>> Boost version:      1.60.0 (external)
>> OpenCL include dir: /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenCL.framework
>> OpenCL library:     /System/Library/Frameworks/OPENCL.framework
>> OpenCL version:     1.2
>> And there it ends. No files except the log shown above - and though this
>> initial output looks identical in content to the beginnings of logs for
>> successful simulations, mdrun does not then seem to engage with the
>> GPU/CPUs available.
>> There are no error messages, no apparent indication as to where this has
>> gone wrong... And now I can't run mdrun at all, for any system.
> Test whether or not your GPU is still accessible and capable of running
> test programs.
> -Justin
> I've checked my disk space (fine, >100 GB available), I'm able to call and
>> execute other gmx commands, but mdrun does the above.
>> The closest error I can find with my google-fu is three years ago where
>> this user (
>> dWd6gC/mdrun-no-error-but-hangs-no-results
>> ) got no error but a killed process, but I don't even get as far as
>> detection of CPUs/GPUs or domain decomposition.
>> Any suggestions much appreciated,
>> Natalie
> --
> ==================================================
> Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
> Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Postdoctoral Fellow
> Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
> School of Pharmacy
> Health Sciences Facility II, Room 629
> University of Maryland, Baltimore
> 20 Penn St.
> Baltimore, MD 21201
> | (410) 706-7441
> ==================================================
> --
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*Dr. Natalie J. Tatum*
Post-doctoral Research Associate
Northern Institute for Cancer Research
Newcastle University
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