On 3/15/17 3:09 PM, Davit Hakobyan wrote:
Dear All,

I try to run a simulation with protein-membrane system in charmm36 ff with
Gromacs5.0.4 and the simulation runs without complain.The problem is in the unit
cell size which seems to grow during a short 500 ps simulation from ~15 to ~28
nm in Z direction although the system atoms remain confined in the~15 nm in Z

The GRO files before and after the 500 ps simulation can be downloaded from the
following link: https://uni-muenster.sciebo.de/index.php/s/GBHjED2t1KzZZ2o

Your initial coordinates are badly fragmented, with regions of vacuum and isolated water molecules. You're going to get bizarre behavior as the system collapses to try to close those voids. This outcome likely isn't a function of .mdp settings, but unphysical initial coordinates.


Bonus comments!

MDP Parameters (OLD)
integrator          = md
dt                  = 0.002
nsteps              = 250000000

nstxout             = 500000
nstvout             = 500000
nstlog              = 100000
nstenergy           = 500000
nstxtcout           = 500000
xtc_grps            =

energygrps          = Protein CHL1 POPC DOPC POPS Water_and_ions
;energygrp_table    =
nstcalcenergy       = 500
nstlist             = 10
nstcomm             = 50
comm_mode           = Linear
comm-grps           =
ns_type             = grid
rlist               = 1.0
rlistlong           = 1.4
rvdw_switch         = 0.8
vdwtype             = Switch

This is a potential switch, not a force switch, so lipid simulations done with these settings will have artificial behavior. Force switching is standard for all CHARMM additive force field simulations, and is absolutely required for lipids.

coulombtype         = pme
rcoulomb            = 1.0
rcoulomb_switch     = 0.0
rvdw                = 1.2
fourierspacing      = 0.15
pme_order           = 6
;ewald_rtol         = 1e-6
tcoupl              = V-rescale ;nose-hoover
nhchainlength       = 1
tc-grps             = Protein CHL1 POPC DOPC POPS Water_and_ions

Coupling all different types of molecules in the system to their own thermostats is inappropriate.


tau_t               = 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
ref_t               = 293 293 293 293 293 293
Pcoupl              = parrinello-rahman ;berendsen ;parrinello-rahman
Pcoupltype          = semiisotropic
tau_p               = 5.0
compressibility     = 4.5e-5 4.5e-5
ref_p               = 1.0 1.0
pbc                 = xyz
gen_vel             = no ;yes
gen_temp            = 293
optimize_fft        = yes
constraints         = hbonds
continuation        = no
constraint_algorithm = Lincs
lincs-order         = 4 ; 8 is needed for BD with large time-steps.
lincs-iter          = 1 ; 1 is fine for normal simulations, but use 2 to
conserve energy in NVE runs.

In the new parameters I also tried to change the tcoupl from Nose-Hoover to
V-rescale, but the outcome is the same, the box size becomes large.

ProbablyI am missing something trivial.
Does anybody have a clue what might be wrong?

Thanks very much for any help.


Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Postdoctoral Fellow

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
School of Pharmacy
Health Sciences Facility II, Room 629
University of Maryland, Baltimore
20 Penn St.
Baltimore, MD 21201

jalem...@outerbanks.umaryland.edu | (410) 706-7441

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