Dear Justin,

I think you were referring to Mails, right? You posted the link as answer to his question but now my object is in the object line.

However, I am still looking for an answer to my question.

Is there anyone, who can tell me something about my dual topology of my MG ions or point me to some literature? I really did my google search before...

I will highly appreciate it!




This was my orginal message:

Dear all,

I am doing a FEC via alchemical transformation. In order to keep the charge constant I plan to mutate ions at the same time. In particular, I want to change the charge of MG ions. My question is did I manipulate the .top .itp and .gro file in the right way:

In the file I added:

#include "topol_MG_Hybrid.itp"

in the beginning and included in the [molecules] section

MG_HBRID            26

at the place where my hybrid MGs begin in the .gro file. In the .tip file I defined the new moleculetype and the atom:

[ moleculetype ]
; Name            nrexcl
MG_HBRID                 1
[ atoms ]
; nr type resnr residue atom cgnr charge mass typeB chargeB massB 1 MG 1 MGX MGHBR 1 2 24.305 MG 2.30769 24.305

In the gro file I changed the (formaly regular) MGs to:

8702MGX  MGHBR55183  -1.480   0.077   2.991

I.e. I changed the residue name to MGX and the atom name to MGHBR. I ran grompp and it compiles without errors. However, I want to make sure, that this is consistent with gromacs files and that I will change the charge in the simulation.

Thank you very much for your help!

All the best


On 06.07.2017 14:24, Justin Lemkul wrote:

On 7/6/17 12:56 AM, amitabh jayaswal wrote:
... well, this URL under ans.2 (http://www.bevanlab.biochem. isn't working. 404 Not Found is what I'm
repeatedly getting.
Please rectify/improve.

Because you haven't copied the whole URL, which is split across two lines in that message.


*Technische Universität München*
*Johannes Hermann, M.Sc.*
Lehrstuhl für Bioverfahrenstechnik
Boltzmannstr. 15
D-85748 Garching
Tel: +49 8928915730
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