Hello Vytautas,

I changed the script file to

gmx_mpi_d distance -s md_pull.tpr -f conf${i}.gro -n index.ndx -oall 
dist${i}.xvg -select \'com of group \"lig\" plus com of group \"protein\"\'

rest is same

but it showed the same error as previous one.


readline() on closed filehandle IN at distances.pl line 16

Use of uminitialized value $distance in concatanation (.) or string at 
distances.pl line 30.

Could you help me out to solve this issue.

Dr. Changdev G. Gadhe

Post-Doc Researcher,

Convergence Research Center for Diagnosis, Treatment and Care System of 

Korea Institute of Science and Technology, 

Hwarangno 14-gil 5, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 136-791, Korea 

Ph.: +82-10-2779-1546 , Lab: +82-02-958-6850

Email: f07...@kist.re.kr


-----------------------Original message-----------------------
From: "Vytautas Rakeviius "<vytautas1...@yahoo.com>
To: gmx-us...@gromacs.org,gromacs.org_gmx-users@maillist.sys.kth.se,가디 장데부 
Cc.: gadhe.chang...@gmail.com
Sent date: 2017-09-04 15:36:29 GMT +0900 (Asia/Seoul)
Title: Re: [gmx-users] Error while running perl distances.pl

Script assumes that variable $distance is the second row separated by space in 
the file dist{number}.xvg which appears after execution of system call

gmx distance -s md_pull.tpr -f conf${i}.gro -n index.ndx -oall dist${i}.xvg 
-select \'com of group \"lig\" plus com of group \"protein\"\'

I just think that dist{number}.xvg creation fails for you in first place 
because "gmx distance" in the script is not adjusted according to your system.

You use _mpi_d in your post.

On Monday, September 4, 2017, 5:48:43 AM GMT+3, 가디 장데부 고라크스나트 
<f07...@kist.re.kr> wrote:

Hello Gmx user,

I would like to transport solute molecule from the ion channel (intracellular 
to extracellular site) using steered MD and umbrella sampling method to 
calculate the energy.

I followed Dr. Lemkul's tutorial and it works fine upto equilibration step but 
in distance.pl it shows some errors.

I used the distance of pulling along the Z-axis but still it do not work. I 
found when I use distance as a pull-geometry, solute moves away from the 
channel rather transporting through channel. Then I tried direction as a 
pull-geoetry, then solute transported from the chanel,and generated pullf.xvg 
but not pullx.xvg file.

I separated the trajectory using trjconv command

gmx_mpi_d -f recenter_traj.xtc -s md_pull.tpr -n pro-lig.ndx -o conf.gro -sep

It generated conformations.

Now I would like to calculate the COM distance between ion channel (protein) 
and solute (lig) using perl distance.pl but I received following error.


readline() on closed filehandle IN at distances.pl line 16

Use of uminitialized value $distance in concatanation (.) or string at 
distances.pl line 30.

Here is the distance.pl file which I used for this purpose which was downloaded 
from Dr. Lemkul's tutorial file.


#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

# loop g_dist command - measure distance in each frame, write to a file

for (my $i=0; $i<=800; $i++) {

    print "Processing configuration $i...\n";

    system("gmx distance -s md_pull.tpr -f conf${i}.gro -n index.ndx -oall 
dist${i}.xvg -select \'com of group \"lig\" plus com of group \"protein\"\' 


# write output to single file

open(OUT, ">>summary_distances.dat");

for (my $j=0; $j<=800; $j++) {

    open(IN, "<dist${j}.xvg");

    my @array = <IN>;

    my $distance;

    foreach $_ (@array) {

        if ($_ =~ /[#@]/) {

            # do nothing, it's a comment or formatting line

        } else {

            my @line = split(" ", $_);

            $distance = $line[1];




    print OUT "$j\t$distance\n";



# clean up

print "Cleaning up...\n";

for (my $k=0; $k<=800; $k++) {

    unlink "dist${k}.xvg";




this generated the summary_distances.dat with only frame numbers but there is 
no distance column in the file.

Please help me to solve this issue


Dr. Changdev G. Gadhe

Post-Doc Researcher,

Convergence Research Center for Diagnosis, Treatment and Care System of 

Korea Institute of Science and Technology,

Hwarangno 14-gil 5, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 136-791, Korea

Ph.: +82-10-2779-1546 , Lab: +82-02-958-6850

Email: f07...@kist.re.kr


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