Dear all,

I'm performing a dynamic of a metal ion in a box consisting of a solvent, where 
the metal is coordinated by six solvent molecules.

I'm writing here because I want to reduce the trajectory including the intire 
box to a trajectory containing only the first coordination shell of the metal, 
e.g. say to the system "consider a sphere of 8 Angstroms radius from the metal 
and pick up any residue which has a least one atom inside this sphere". In 
addition, it would be nice to perform a sort of "dynamic selection", e.g. if 
one residue exits and another one enters the sphere I want the selection to 
keep the first one and then the second.

Is this possible with Gromacs or do I need to use other tools? I've tryed to 
understand if this was possible with trjconv or gmx select, but I think they're 
not the right utilities and I couldn't find anyone with this problem in a web 

I would be gratefull if you can help me.

Thank you in advance for your answer.

Kind regards,

Matteo Busato
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