Not really sure what simulations one can conduct in VMD, because it is primarily a visualization program. That aside, whether you can simulate systems containing non-biomolecular structures (metal nanoparticles, solid-state nanomaterials, etc) really depends on what physics you'd like to reveal. For things like nanomechanical properties, forcefields in Gromacs, NAMD, etc are only capable of reproducing zero Kelvin properties and it's a fundamental limitation. LAMMPS offers a far richer range of interaction potentials for those purposes, not just springy stuff.

In general, metal surfaces and their interactions with other things especially at the nanoscale cannot be accurately described by classical MD. It's a topic far beyond the scope of this board.


On 12/28/2017 11:55 PM, Ethan Hsiao wrote:
Users Charlie and I want to perform MD simulations on transition metal
nanoparticle interactions with different types of lipid rafts. Is it
possible to conduct a simulation on VMD with a gold nanoparticle built from
openMD with a lipid raft and cell membrane from GROMACS? Further, do you
have any advice on how to do a metal nanoparticle simulation with cell
membrane with GROMACS, NAMDm openMD, or whichever software your lab focuses

Thank you,

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