Thank you Mark!

The "Protein_A.itp" is obtained by:
python -f 1UBQ.pdb -o -x 1UBQ-CG.pdb -dssp 
./dssp-2.0.4-linux-amd64 -p backbone -ff martini22

So the "Protein_A.itp" has the restraints in the "1UBQ-CG.pdb".

So I should use "-r 1UBQ-CG.pdb"?
So the whole command is the below?
gmx grompp -p -r 1UBQ-CG.pdb -c solvated.gro -f minimization.mdp -o 

------------------ Original ------------------
From:  "ZHANG Cheng"<>;
Date:  Mon, Jan 14, 2019 10:16 PM
To:  "gromacs.org_gmx-users"<>;

Subject:  Re: How to use "define = -DPOSRES" in Gromacs 2018?

Thank you Mark!

Sorry, I do not have a "targetcoords.gro" for the grompp.

I was trying to use 
"gmx grompp -p -c solvated.gro -f minimization.mdp -o 
and the "" has a line of " #include "Protein_A.itp" ",
and the "Protein_A.itp" file has the restraints I need.

Should I modify the "minimization.mdp" instead?

------------------ Original ------------------
From:  "ZHANG Cheng"<>;
Date:  Mon, Jan 14, 2019 09:53 PM
To:  "gromacs.org_gmx-users"<>;

Subject:  How to use "define = -DPOSRES" in Gromacs 2018?

My backbone restraints is shown in the "Protein_A.itp" file:

#ifdef POSRES
#ifndef POSRES_FC
#define POSRES_FC 1000.00
 [ position_restraints ]
      1    1    POSRES_FC    POSRES_FC    POSRES_FC
      3    1    POSRES_FC    POSRES_FC    POSRES_FC
      5    1    POSRES_FC    POSRES_FC    POSRES_FC
    162    1    POSRES_FC    POSRES_FC    POSRES_FC
    163    1    POSRES_FC    POSRES_FC    POSRES_FC

The Martini protein tutorial said: specify "define = -DPOSRES" in the mdp file 
for "gmx grompp".

However, adding "define = -DPOSRES" to the mdp file causes the error:

Fatal error:
Cannot find position restraint file restraint.gro (option -r).
>From GROMACS-2018, you need to specify the position restraint coordinate files
explicitly to avoid mistakes, although you can still use the same file as you
specify for the -c option.

The tutorial uses Gromacs 5, but I am using Gromacs 2018. Is this the problem 
for that?

How can I trigger those restraints in "Protein_A.itp" file using Gromacs 2018?
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