I finally got around to getting openssl working in Unreal and happy.  So 
now I am using grpc::GoogleDefaultCredentials() and talking over 443.  Now 
I get error 13 (internal) "Failed to create security connector."  when I 
have the HandleReadAppend call uncommented and error 14 (unavailable) with 
nothing in stat.details_ when I have it commented.  I feel like that's 

On Monday, September 12, 2016 at 10:01:57 AM UTC-7, balad...@gmail.com 
> When I remove :443 from the url I get the same thing.  I haven't taken the 
> time to try and compile openssl for Windows 64bit using MD as the runtime 
> so that boringssl can work with grpc.  I think you might be correct.  I 
> will attempt that next.
> On Tuesday, September 6, 2016 at 3:48:22 PM UTC-7, Yang Gao wrote:
>> You are talking to port 443 and using Insecure credentials (clear text). 
>> Should you use ssl credentials at least?
>> On Monday, September 5, 2016 at 12:03:25 AM UTC-7, balad...@gmail.com 
>> wrote:
>>> Hello everyone!
>>> I've written some code in attempt to stream mic audio input from a 
>>> separate thread to Cloud Speech API in C++ but I keep getting TCP errors. 
>>>  I believe this is because I am not quite grasping the whole flow of how to 
>>> use the API as in when to call what and how often.  My thought after 
>>> looking at the documentation and source code for some time was to call 
>>> StreamingRecognize, send some initial config data, send audio data as I get 
>>> it and check for responses from the server along the way, then wait for the 
>>> final message from the server.  Hopefully someone can tell me the silly 
>>> thing(s) I am doing wrong!  Oh also to note, I put the path of my 
>>> key.json in an environment variable.  grpc should be able to pick up on 
>>> that right?
>>> So here is my implementation:
>>> // grpc (v1.0.x) and protobuf (v3.0.0): Release, x64, VS2015, Runtime 
>>> Library: Multi-threaded DLL (/MD)
>>> // libs: gpr.lib, grpc_unsecure.lib, grpc++_unsecure.lib, 
>>> libprotobuf.lib, z.lib
>>> // UE4: 4.12.5
>>> #include "grpc++.h"
>>> #include "google/cloud/speech/v1beta1/cloud_speech.pb.h"
>>> #include "google/cloud/speech/v1beta1/cloud_speech.grpc.pb.h"
>>> #include "protobuf/Includes/google/protobuf/text_format.h"
>>> #include "protobuf/Includes/google/protobuf/arenastring.h"
>>> #define GoogleSpeechAPI google::cloud::speech::v1beta1
>>> bool 
>>> FNetworkWorker::HandleReadAppend(std::unique_ptr<grpc::ClientReaderWriter<GoogleSpeechAPI::StreamingRecognizeRequest,
>>> GoogleSpeechAPI::StreamingRecognizeResponse>>& rw, 
>>> GoogleSpeechAPI::StreamingRecognizeResponse& responce, FString& 
>>> strToAppend) {
>>> WLOG("Checking for message from google");
>>> if (rw->Read(&responce)) {
>>> if (responce.has_error()) {
>>> WLOG("grpc error! %i", responce.error().message().c_str());
>>> APlayerCharacter::GetInstance()->Shutdown();
>>> return false;
>>> }
>>> const auto& result = responce.results(responce.results_size());
>>> WLOG("Result: %s", result.SerializeAsString().c_str());
>>> if (result.is_final())
>>> strToAppend += result.alternatives(0).transcript().c_str();
>>> }
>>> return true;
>>> }
>>> uint32 FNetworkWorker::Run() {
>>> GoogleSpeechAPI::RecognitionConfig* recConf = new 
>>> GoogleSpeechAPI::RecognitionConfig;
>>> GoogleSpeechAPI::StreamingRecognitionConfig* streamConf = new 
>>> GoogleSpeechAPI::StreamingRecognitionConfig;
>>> GoogleSpeechAPI::StreamingRecognizeRequest request;
>>> GoogleSpeechAPI::StreamingRecognizeResponse responce;
>>> recConf->set_sample_rate(22050);
>>> recConf->set_encoding(GoogleSpeechAPI::RecognitionConfig::LINEAR16);
>>> streamConf->set_allocated_config(recConf);
>>> streamConf->set_single_utterance(true);
>>> request.set_allocated_streaming_config(streamConf);
>>> auto stub = GoogleSpeechAPI::Speech::NewStub(grpc::CreateChannel("
>>> speech.googleapis.com:443", grpc::InsecureChannelCredentials()));
>>> grpc::ClientContext context;
>>> auto rw = stub->StreamingRecognize(&context);
>>> if (!rw->Write(request)) {
>>> WLOG("inital write failed!");
>>> std::vector<grpc::string> errors;
>>> request.FindInitializationErrors(&errors);
>>> for (grpc::string error : errors) {
>>> WLOG("error: %s", error.c_str());
>>> }
>>> }
>>> request.clear_streaming_config();
>>> message.Empty(); // message is a string
>>> char dataToSend[1024];
>>> while (dataIsStreaming) {// false when voice recording thread is done 
>>> WLOG("data is streaming");
>>> // check if there is a message from google and append to message if 
>>> is_final
>>> // With the following "if(!HandleReadAppend)":
>>> //{code_=INTERNAL (13) 
>>> details_="{\"created\":\"@1473050344.233000000\",\"description\":\"OS 
>>> Error\",\"file\":\"D:\\grpc\\vsprojects\\..\\src\\core\\lib\\iomgr\\tcp_windows.c\",\"file_line\":320,\"os_error\":\"An
>>> established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine. 
>>> \n\r syscall:"WSASend", "wsa_error":10053 }
>>> // Without:
>>> //"{\"created\":\"@1473050181.891000000\",\"description\":\"End of TCP 
>>> stream\",\"file\":\"D:\\grpc\\vsprojects\\..\\src\\core\\lib\\iomgr\\tcp_windows.c\",\"file_line\":180,\"grpc_status\":14}"
>>> if(!HandleReadAppend(rw, responce, message)) 
>>> return responce.error().code(); // return the read error
>>> // check if we have voice data from the voice thread for us to send
>>> if (!voiceBufferQueue.empty()) {
>>> WLOG("Sending data");
>>> // get data from voice thread and place it in dataToSend
>>> BufferData<MY_TYPE>& data = voiceBufferQueue.front();
>>> memcpy((void*)dataToSend, data.readptr, 1024);
>>> free(data.readptr);
>>> // attempt to send the data
>>> request.set_audio_content(dataToSend);
>>> if (!rw->Write(request)) {
>>> WLOG("write failed!");
>>> std::vector<grpc::string> errors;
>>> request.FindInitializationErrors(&errors);
>>> for (grpc::string error : errors) {
>>> WLOG("error: %s", error.c_str()); // This has never logged so far.
>>> }
>>> grpc::Status stat = rw->Finish();
>>> if (!stat.ok()) {
>>> WLOG("stat error code: %i", (int32)stat.error_code());
>>> const grpc::string errorMessage = stat.error_message();
>>> WLOG("stat error message: %s", errorMessage.c_str());
>>> APlayerCharacter::GetInstance()->Shutdown();
>>> return (int32)stat.error_code(); // either 13 or 14 depending on whether 
>>> the "if(!HandleReadAppend)" is commented out or not.
>>> }
>>> }
>>> voiceBufferQueue.pop();
>>> }
>>> FPlatformProcess::Sleep(0.1f);
>>> }
>>> while (responce.endpointer_type() != 
>>> GoogleSpeechAPI::StreamingRecognizeResponse_EndpointerType::StreamingRecognizeResponse_EndpointerType_END_OF_AUDIO)
>>> {
>>> WLOG("Waiting for END_OF_AUDIO");
>>> if(rw->Read(&responce) && !HandleReadAppend(rw, responce, message))
>>> return responce.error().code();
>>> FPlatformProcess::Sleep(0.1f);
>>> }
>>> WLOG("end");
>>> message.ParseIntoArray(FNetworkWorker::Manager->Manager->spokenWords, 
>>> TEXT(" "), false);
>>> return 0;
>>> }

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