This was resolved.

The binding redirect *is* the solution, but in case of a VSIX, the 
configuration in app.config won't be used. This is because in case of a 
VSIX, the main executable is not the VSIX, but Visual Studio. One way to 
configure binding redirects in this case is to write AssemblyInfo.cs of the 
VSIX like this:

using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell;
using System.Reflection;

[assembly: AssemblyTitle("the-project-name.Vsix")]
[assembly: ProvideBindingRedirection(AssemblyName = 
"System.Interactive.Async", NewVersion = "3.0.3000.0",
    OldVersionLowerBound = "", OldVersionUpperBound = "3.0.3000.0")]

Another issue that I didn't see at the time, but equally important, is that 
the native libraries are not automatically included in the VSIX, and will 
also raise a runtime error. One way to fix that is to include this in the 
.csproj file of the VSIX:

  <Target Name="IncludeDllsVsix" BeforeTargets="PrepareForBuild">


On Wednesday, April 19, 2017 at 4:30:21 PM UTC+2, 
> Hi,
> I'm having an issue with client-side streaming in C#. When my client code 
> in a VSIX package tries to call a service that returns a stream, I get the 
> following exception:
> An exception of type 'System.IO.FileNotFoundException' occurred in 
> Grpc.Core.dll but was not handled in user code
> Additional information: Could not load file or assembly 
> 'System.Interactive.Async, Version=3.0.1000.0, Culture=neutral, 
> PublicKeyToken=94bc3704cddfc263' or one of its dependencies. The system 
> cannot find the file specified.
> The version number is suspiciously 3.0.1000.0 instead of 3.0.3000.0. I 
> noticed that the project references version 3.0.3000.0. This reference got 
> added automatically when I used nuget manager to add grpc. On the other 
> hand, grpc.core seems to depend on 3.0.1000.0. 
> These lines were automatically added in my app.config, and I thought it's 
> supposed to prevent the issue I'm having, but sadly that's not the case:
>       <dependentAssembly>
>         <assemblyIdentity name="System.Interactive.Async" 
> publicKeyToken="94bc3704cddfc263" culture="neutral" />
>         <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" 
> newVersion="3.0.3000.0" />
>       </dependentAssembly>
> The same client works fine with simple RPC, only streaming RPC causes a 
> problem. (More specifically, I call an endpoint that takes a simple input 
> and returns a stream.)
> For a sanity check, I created a dummy Class Library project, but there I 
> don't get the same issue, streaming RPC works just fine. My real target is 
> a VSIX project, net46.
> How can I make this work in a VSIX project? Or, is there a way to consume 
> a streaming output without using System.Interactive.Async? Although 
> ultimately I would like to be able to consume a stream asynchronously, 
> synchronous mode could be acceptable in the short term.
> Thank you,
> Janos

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