On Wednesday, September 27, 2017 at 2:05:58 AM UTC-7, David Edery wrote:
> Reviving this thread.
> Hi,
> I see that https://github.com/grpc/grpc-java/issues/2292 was marked as 
> closed a week ago.
> Does this concludes the issue of (in short) "understanding the state of 
> the channel and act according"? (the details are in the thread of course)
> Addressing your last comment in this post "It's currently scheduled for 
> Q2" (see below) - is this the change you were referring?

I think so.

> Thanks,
> David.
> On Monday, March 27, 2017 at 7:19:38 PM UTC+3, Eric Anderson wrote:
>> On Sun, Mar 26, 2017 at 9:28 AM, David Edery <da...@intuitionrobotics.com
>> > wrote:
>>> 500ms is too much for my app to wait before streaming. This is why I 
>>> prepare everything before and I make sure that at the end of a recognition 
>>> operation the full structure is prepared for the next iteration.
>> ManagedChannel connects lazily (on first RPC), and I'd expect a good 
>> portion of the 500ms is creating the TCP connection and TLS. Eagerly 
>> connecting will be provided by the channel state API via getState(true). 
>>> However, I've noticed that given a long enough idle wait (don't know how 
>>> long, matter of minutes) of the channel, if I try to stream the audio, 
>>> everything acts as if all is well but I don't get any response (to 
>>> beginning of speech nor transcripts nor any error).
>> That sounds like a network failure. Once we support keepalive without any 
>> active RPCs (I'm working on this now; is about a week away; it may make the 
>> next release), it could detect the failure. But using that option with 
>> Google APIs is unsupported; the frontend doesn't want the additional 
>> traffic. At the moment we would suggest using 
>> ManagedChannelBuilder.idleTimeout 
>> <http://www.grpc.io/grpc-java/javadoc/io/grpc/ManagedChannelBuilder.html#idleTimeout-long-java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit->
>>  so 
>> that the TCP connection is torn down during the inactive period so that it 
>> isn't in a hung state when you want to do an RPC.
>> I hypothesised that it has to do with the connectivity state/idle state 
>>> of the channel and decided that I'll constantly shut the channel down and 
>>> reconnect in 1 minute intervals (given of course that it's not busy). This 
>>> solved the problem - but it's a workaround of course.
>> I don't think the issue is caused by a gRPC state change. It's generally 
>> caused by problems in the network. Using idleTimeout() will trigger gRPC to 
>> shutdown the connection for you. In order to avoid the 500ms overhead 
>> later, you'd need the channel state API and ask the channel to re-connect 
>> each time it goes IDLE.
>> Is there a way to know what's the state of the channel? I saw that 
>>> grpc-java issue #28 should address this issue with the 
>>> ManagedChannel.getState/notifyWhenStateChanged APIs (rel 1.2.0) but it's 
>>> not implemented yet.
>> Nope. Note that the API wouldn't tell you anything in this case, since 
>> the problem isn't likely caused by gRPC going idle. But if it was 
>> implemented it would provide you a way to "kick" gRPC to eagerly make a TCP 
>> connection.
>> I also saw that there's a health check protocol (
>>> https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/doc/health-checking.md) - does 
>>> this feature work? would it be suitable for my needs?
>> That's more for load balancing (avoiding backends that aren't healthy). 
>> It wouldn't help you, as I don't think our public APIs provide such a 
>> service.
>> When is the state API is expected to land? I think that going forward 
>>> this is the way to go from our app's perspective.
>> It's currently scheduled for Q2. That isn't a promise, but gives an idea.

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