BTW, I am using grpc-java

On Tuesday, August 7, 2018 at 4:21:53 PM UTC-7, wrote:
> Hi, 
> I am doing an experiment to decide whether my application should choose 
> unary call, or bi-directional streaming. Here is what I observe by enable 
> the debug logging:
> for unary call, the tcp connection is created per call: 
> client side single thread making 5 calls in a for loop: total 5 tcp 
> connections - using blocking stub
> client side multi-threaded making 5 calls at the same time: total 5 tcp 
> connections - using block stub
> bi-directional streaming making 5 requests: total 1 tcp connection - using 
> async stub
> So that means for unary call, it will always create new tcp connection 
> every time? Can you please confirm this behaviour?
> Thanks!

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