I am trying to dynamically link the grpc greeting_client example. I am 
trying to use the libgrpc++.so, libprotobuf.so.10, 
libgrpc.so.3,libgrpc++_reflection.so.1 files to do the linking.

I have added this files to my /usr/lib directory and now I am trying to 
generate object files for helloworld.pb.cc.

Command I am using is: g++ -Wall -L/usr/lib/libprotobuf.so -c -o 
helloworld.pb.o helloworld.pb.cc -lprotobuf -lgrpc

Error: In file included from helloworld.pb.cc:4:0: helloworld.pb.h:9:42: 
fatal error: google/protobuf/stubs/common.h: No such file or directory 
compilation terminated.

I might be missing something regarding dynamic linking. Can you please 
point out how to dynamically link the grpc libraries for the example?

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