Hi Michael, Were you able to find any other way to cancel the stream from 
client side?

On Tuesday, May 26, 2015 at 9:58:42 PM UTC+5:30, Michael Larson wrote:
> a tentative answer to my question:
> You can call TryCancel() on the client context from another thread.  I 
> started a "connection monitor" thread just before creating the stream 
> object (the point at which the code would normally hang until the grpc 
> deadline).  With some external synchronization this thread can know whether 
> the stream has received any data within N seconds and call TryCancel() if 
> it hasn't.  I am not using the grpc deadline (it is set to its default, a 
> very long time) and am watching received messages to implement my own 
> timeout while the stream is running.
> Please let me know if there is a better or more intended way to do this.
> Thanks,
> Michael
> On Friday, May 22, 2015 at 3:29:55 PM UTC-7, Michael Larson wrote:
>> see this thread for some related discussion (java):
>> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/grpc-io/hahFSzQBN4s/nrifoZ0tATUJ
>> I want to create a bidirectional streaming connection that runs for, say, 
>> 60 seconds, and I'd like to have it fail if it can't connect within 5 
>> seconds, allowing the user to fix connection details or whatever.  If I set 
>> a grpc deadline it has to apply to the entire RPC, so I'd need to set a 
>> timeout of more than 60 seconds to avoid interrupting the normal streaming 
>> duration.  Without a deadline set it will attempt to connect forever.
>> Is there a way to cancel the connection attempt while it's running, 
>> before it has connected?  I ran stub_.reset() from another thread but it 
>> didn't do anything immediately.  grpc_shutdown() seems harmful as it had a 
>> mutex problem later on (and I see this was removed from the examples as no 
>> longer necessary).

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