Thanks for the additional information.

On Wed, May 13, 2020 at 11:41 PM <> wrote:

> Thanks Eric for the reply.
> Couple of things. I am not able to get this when you say that gRPC java is
> not optimized for this type of large file. My individual message size is
> 1024 bytes only. The program reads this much bytes from the file at a time
> and sends this to onNext() call of stream observer. So, each message sent
> on wire for each onNext() must be little over 1kb only.

That makes sense; what I was considering as a possibility was that the
messages were going to onNext() *much* faster than they were going out on
the wire. In the worst case, the entire file would be buffered into memory
before anything was sent over the wire.

> Also, I just changed the gRPC version to *1.29.0* and saw that the native
> memory usage is almost zero with this version. The high usage that I saw
> was on version *1.21.0*.
Even better; most likely the memory usage was optimized or, if a leak,
fixed since version 1.21.

Thanks for the update!


> Regards,
> On Thursday, May 14, 2020 at 3:26:12 AM UTC+5:30, Eric Gribkoff wrote:
>> gRPC Java may not be optimized for this type of large file transfer, and
>> is likely copying the provided bytes more than once which could explain why
>> you see additional direct memory allocation. These should be all released
>> once the data goes out over the wire. It looks from your code snippet that
>> the entire file is immediately buffered - we would expect to see the memory
>> consumption decrease as bytes are sent out to the client.
>> Further investigation of this would probably be best carried out on the
>> grpc java repository at if you'd care
>> to file an issue/reproduction case there.
>> Thanks,
>> Eric
>> On Monday, May 11, 2020 at 3:22:35 AM UTC-7 wrote:
>>> I have been testing gRPC behaviour for larger message size on my
>>> machine. I have got a single client to which I am streaming a video file of
>>> 603mb via streaming gRPC. I ran into OOM while testing and found that in
>>> case of slow clients, response messages were getting queued up and I was
>>> getting below error msg:
>>> io.netty.util.internal.OutOfDirectMemoryError: failed to allocate
>>> 16777216 byte(s) of direct memory (used: 1873805512, max: 1890582528)
>>> Now this is fixable via flow control(using onReady() channel handler)
>>> but out of curiosity I increased my direct memory to 4GB
>>> via -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=4g  jvm flag to force queuing up of all
>>> response messages and hence the client can consume on it's own pace. It got
>>> completed successfully. But I observed that I ended up using 2.4GB of
>>> direct memory. I checked it via usedDirectMemory() eposed by netty
>>> for ByteBufAllocatorMetric.
>>> *Isn't this too much for a 603mb file as it is 3 times more than the
>>> total file size*. Below is the code snippet that I am using:
>>> stream = new FileInputStream(file);
>>> byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
>>> ByteBufAllocator byteBufAllocator = ByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT;
>>> int length;
>>> while ((length = > 0) {
>>>  response.onNext(VideoResponse.newBuilder().setVideoBytes(ByteString.
>>> copyFrom(buffer)).build());
>>>  if (ByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT instanceof ByteBufAllocatorMetricProvider)
>>> {
>>>         ByteBufAllocatorMetric metric = ((ByteBufAllocatorMetricProvider
>>> ) byteBufAllocator).metric();
>>>         System.out.println(metric.usedDirectMemory()/(1024*1024));
>>>     }
>>> }
>>> --
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