i have a stream of messages coming from a websocket or a grpc client. for 
each message my service produces 0 or more reply messages. by default both 
websocket endpoints and grpc request observers are guaranteed to be called 
by maximum 1 thread concurrently, so my replies are sent in the same order 
as requests. Now I want to dispatch request processing to other threads and 
process them in parallel, but still keep the order. Therefore, I need some 
"concurrent ordered response buffer", which will buffer replies to a given 
request message until processing of previous requests is finished and 
replies to them are sent (in order they were produced within each "request 

I can develop such class myself, but it seems a common case, so I was 
wondering if maybe such thing already exists (to not reinvent the wheel). 
however I could not easily find anything on the web nor get any answer on SO 
. does anyone knows about something like this?


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