For reference, is the related 

On Thursday, August 26, 2021 at 10:09:41 AM UTC-7 Jacob B wrote:

> We are using gRPC (version  1.37.1) for our inter-process communication 
> between our C# process and C++ process. Both processes act as a server and 
> client with the other and run on the same machine over localhost using the 
> HTTP/2 transport. All of the calls are use blocking synchronous unary calls 
> and not bi-directional streaming. Some average(ish) stats:
> From C++->C#: 0-2 calls per second, 0-40 calls per minute
> From C#->C++: 0-5 calls per second, 0-200 calls per minute
> Intermittently, we were getting one of 3 issues
>    - C# client call to C++ server comes back with an RpcException, 
>    usually “HTTP2/Parse Error”, “Endpoint Read Failed”, or “Transport Closed” 
>    - C++ client call to C# server comes back with Unavailable or Unknown 
>    - C++ client WaitForConnected call to check the channel fails after 
>    500ms 
> The top most one is the most frequent and where we have the most 
> information about. Usually, what we’ll see is the Client receives the RPC 
> call and runs into an unknown frame type. Then the subchannel goes into 
> shutdown and everything usually re-connects fine. We also generally see an 
> embedded error like the following (note that we replaced all __FILE__ 
> instances to __FUNCTION__ in our gRPC source):
> win_read","file_line":307,"os_error":"The system detected an invalid 
> pointer address in attempting to use a pointer argument in a 
> call.\r\n","syscall":"WSARecv","wsa_error":10014}]},{"created":"@1622120588.494000000","description":"frame
> of size 262404 overflows local window of 
> 65535","file":"grpc_core::chttp2::TransportFlowControl::ValidateRecvData","file_line":213}]}
> What we’ve seen with the unknown frame type, is that it parses the 
> without a corresponding READ and then tries to parse again. It’s this parse 
> where it looks like the parser is at the wrong offset in the buffer, 
> because it gets the unknown frame type, incoming frame size and incoming 
> stream_id all map to the middle of the RPC call that it just parsed.
> The above was what we were encountering prior to a change to create a new 
> channel for each rpc call. While we realize it is not great from a 
> performance standpoint, we have seen increased stability since making the 
> change. However, we still do occasionally get rpc exceptions. Now, the most 
> common is “Unknown”/”Stream Removed” rather than the ones listed above.
> Any ideas on what might be going wrong is appreciated.

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