I am running identical Python code from either 

WINE  python.exe   versus Linux native python 

The behaviour is slightly different, leading eventually to* losing the 
communicatie with a WINE python variant (messages/calls not received at the 
java client side)*

The most visible difference I see is the number of HTTP2 Streams that are 
created. The linux native runs stay at a low number, and most communication 
is done within one stream, while the windows variant seems to distribute it 
evenly over more streams. 

I do not understand why the gRPC layer would behave differently. I 
currently try to understand the problem using wireshark, but thats not the 
right way to do it.

Any tips on how to debug this would be appreciated? I do not see any 
exceptions explaining why a message isn't received at the java side.

If people have some hypotheses for me to test, that would be nice as well.

Best regards,


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