Regarding the below comment in recent release notes..

"Java 8 users pay note: per gRFC P5, gRPC may drop Java 8 support as soon
as March this year. If this is expected to cause undue hardship or
community issues, please contact us via a GitHub issue or

Our company uses Java8 on Z/OS, and uses Google PubSub (which internally
uses gRPCJava) to send to GCP cloud environments.

I am guessing that the final gRPCJava version built via Java 8, will still
be able to talk to Pubsub for a while, until the PubSub/gRPC protocols
changes enough that it eventually breaks.
What are the chances of this happening ?
ie Are the protocols basically set and therefore won't break ?

Is there any Google Cloud Platform information on "no longer supported"
versions of Pubsub / grpcjava  jars / cloud-boms? I can't find it mentioned.

Cheers, Russell

*Russell Shaw*
Software Engineer - Career

Acro Database Support
Equifax Inc.

O 470-750-2979 Ext.32444

C 678-243-8579

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