I have a simple proto file:
syntax = "proto3";

package SettingsSvc;
service Settings {
  rpc FetchSettings(SettingsRequest) returns (SettingsResponse) {}

message SettingsRequest { 
  string language = 1;

message SettingsResponse {
  string cvTooltip = 1;
  string themeTooltip = 2;
  string githubLocation = 3;
  string gitlabLocation = 4;
  string linkedinLocation = 5;
  string name = 6;
  int32 year = 7;

I am trying to generate the files for a react (TS template) web client. As 
suggested by the official grpc-web page 
<https://github.com/grpc/grpc-web#typescript-support> I am running the 
protoc command as follows:
protoc -I=. settings.proto --js_out=import_style=commonjs,binary:. 

However, the only file I get is "settings_pb.js", which is the one 
generated by the "--js_out" instruction. The file that should be generated 
by the "--grpc-web_out" instruction (SettingsClientPb.ts) is missing.

I tried using "import_style=commonjs" and "import_style=commonjs+dts" as 
well, but no luck. The command returns no errors but it does not produce 
the expected output files.

I installed protoc with brew and I am using version 1.3.1 of the grpc-web 
code generator plugin <https://github.com/grpc/grpc-web/releases/tag/1.3.1>.

Can someone help?



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