I see a couple of new operation without free in your code. So you may want 
to clean your code first and use MSAN or Valgrind to track down which 
objects are not freed. 
If you think that gRPC has its own memory leak, please give us a small 
repro we can run so that we can investigate it further.
On Tuesday, May 17, 2022 at 1:01:15 AM UTC-7 Vishal Kaushik wrote:

> Hi,
> I am facing sever memory leak while using gRPC on my machine. If anyone 
> has any idea what is wrong in my code, please help:
> /** \file
> * \brief Example code for Simple Open EtherCAT master
> *
> * Usage : simple_test [ifname1]
> * ifname is NIC interface, f.e. eth0
> *
> * This is a minimal test.
> *
> * (c)Arthur Ketels 2010 - 2011
> */
> #include <grpc/support/log.h>
> #include <grpcpp/channel.h>
> #include <grpcpp/client_context.h>
> #include <grpcpp/create_channel.h>
> #include <grpcpp/grpcpp.h>
> #include <grpcpp/server.h>
> #include <grpcpp/server_builder.h>
> #include <grpcpp/server_context.h>
> #include <iostream>
> #include <memory>
> #include <sstream>
> #include <string>
> #include <thread>
> #include "absl/memory/memory.h"
> #include "robot.grpc.pb.h"
> using grpc::Server;
> using grpc::ServerAsyncResponseWriter;
> using grpc::ServerAsyncWriter;
> using grpc::ServerBuilder;
> using grpc::ServerCompletionQueue;
> using grpc::ServerContext;
> using grpc::Status;
> using RobotExample::Robot;
> using RobotExample::RobotStatus;
> using RobotExample::RobotStatusRequest;
> #include <inttypes.h>
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <string.h>
> #include "etherCatConfig.h"
> #include "ethercat.h"
> #define EC_TIMEOUTMON 500
> char IOmap[4096];
> int expectedWKC;
> boolean needlf;
> volatile int wkc;
> boolean inOP;
> uint8 currentgroup = 0;
> volatile int64_t current_time = 0;
> int64_t g_ControlWord = 0;
> int64_t g_ModesOfOperation = 0;
> int64_t g_ProfileAcceleration = 0;
> int64_t g_ProfileDeceleration = 0;
> int64_t g_ProfileVelocity = 0;
> int64_t g_TargetVelocity = 0;
> int64_t g_TargetPosition = 0;
> int64_t g_MaxProfileVelocity = 0;
> int64_t g_positive_torquee_limit = 0;
> int64_t g_negative_torquee_limit = 0;
> int64_t g_ControlWord_2 = 0;
> int64_t g_ModesOfOperation_2 = 0;
> int64_t g_ProfileAcceleration_2 = 0;
> int64_t g_ProfileDeceleration_2 = 0;
> int64_t g_ProfileVelocity_2 = 0;
> int64_t g_TargetVelocity_2 = 0;
> int64_t g_TargetPosition_2 = 0;
> int64_t g_MaxProfileVelocity_2 = 0;
> int64_t g_positive_torquee_limit_2 = 0;
> int64_t g_negative_torquee_limit_2 = 0;
> int64_t g_ControlWord_3 = 0;
> int64_t g_ModesOfOperation_3 = 0;
> int64_t g_ProfileAcceleration_3 = 0;
> int64_t g_ProfileDeceleration_3 = 0;
> int64_t g_ProfileVelocity_3 = 0;
> int64_t g_TargetVelocity_3 = 0;
> int64_t g_TargetPosition_3 = 0;
> int64_t g_MaxProfileVelocity_3 = 0;
> int64_t g_positive_torquee_limit_3 = 0;
> int64_t g_negative_torquee_limit_3 = 0;
> int64_t g_ControlWord_4 = 0;
> int64_t g_ModesOfOperation_4 = 0;
> int64_t g_ProfileAcceleration_4 = 0;
> int64_t g_ProfileDeceleration_4 = 0;
> int64_t g_ProfileVelocity_4 = 0;
> int64_t g_TargetVelocity_4 = 0;
> int64_t g_TargetPosition_4 = 0;
> int64_t g_MaxProfileVelocity_4 = 0;
> int64_t g_positive_torquee_limit_4 = 0;
> int64_t g_negative_torquee_limit_4 = 0;
> int64_t g_IOSensors_Channel_9_Output = 0;
> int64_t g_IOSensors_Channel_10_Output = 0;
> int64_t g_IOSensors_Channel_11_Output = 0;
> int64_t g_IOSensors_Channel_12_Output = 0;
> class RequestHandlerBase {
> public:
> virtual void Proceed(bool succes) = 0;
> };
> class GetStatusHandler : public RequestHandlerBase {
> public:
> // Take in the "service" instance (in this case representing an 
> asynchronous
> // server) and the completion queue "cq" used for asynchronous 
> communication
> // with the gRPC runtime.
> GetStatusHandler(Robot::AsyncService* service, ServerCompletionQueue* cq)
> : service_(service),
> cq_(cq),
> responder_(&ctx_),
> status_(CREATE),
> number_(0) {
> // Invoke the serving logic right away.
> Proceed();
> }
> void Proceed(bool succes = true) override {
> if (status_ == CREATE) {
> // Make this instance progress to the PROCESS state.
> status_ = PROCESS;
> service_->RequestgetStatus(&ctx_, &request_, &responder_, cq_, cq_, this);
> } else if (status_ == PROCESS) {
> // each CallData object should create only one new CallData
> if (number_ == 0) {
> std::cout << new GetStatusHandler(service_, cq_) << std::endl;
> number_++;
> }
> /*if (number_++ >= 10000) // we want to send the response 3 times (for
> whatever reason)
> {
> status_ = FINISH;
> responder_.Finish(Status::OK, this);
> std::cout << "finished\n";
> }
> else*/
> {
> if (succes) {
> InputsProcessImage * input = &g_inputsProcessImage; 
> //reinterpret_cast<InputsProcessImage*>(&g_outputsProcessImage);
> status_reply_.set_current_position(input->
> Joint1_1st_transmit_PDO_Mapping_Position_actual_value);
> status_reply_.set_status(input->Joint1_1st_transmit_PDO_Mapping_Statusword
> );
> status_reply_.set_modes_of_operation(input->
> Joint1_1st_transmit_PDO_Mapping_Modes_of_operation_display);
> status_reply_.set_modes_of_operation_2(input->
> Joint2_1st_transmit_PDO_Mapping_Modes_of_operation_display);
> status_reply_.set_modes_of_operation_3(input->
> Joint3_1st_transmit_PDO_Mapping_Modes_of_operation_display);
> status_reply_.set_modes_of_operation_4(input->
> Joint4_1st_transmit_PDO_Mapping_Modes_of_operation_display);
> status_reply_.set_error_code_1(input->
> Joint1_1st_transmit_PDO_Mapping_Error_code);
> //status_reply_.set_current_speed(input->joint1_1st_Transmit_PDO_mapping_Velocity_Actual_Value);
> status_reply_.set_current_position_2(input->
> Joint2_1st_transmit_PDO_Mapping_Position_actual_value);
> status_reply_.set_status_2(input->
> Joint2_1st_transmit_PDO_Mapping_Statusword);
> //status_reply_.set_modes_of_operation_2(input->joint2_1st_Transmit_PDO_mapping_Mode_of_Operation_Display);
> status_reply_.set_error_code_2(input->
> Joint2_1st_transmit_PDO_Mapping_Error_code);
> //status_reply_.set_current_speed_2(input->joint2_1st_Transmit_PDO_mapping_Velocity_Actual_Value);
> status_reply_.set_current_position_3(input->
> Joint3_1st_transmit_PDO_Mapping_Position_actual_value);
> status_reply_.set_status_3(input->
> Joint3_1st_transmit_PDO_Mapping_Statusword);
> //status_reply_.set_modes_of_operation_2(input->joint2_1st_Transmit_PDO_mapping_Mode_of_Operation_Display);
> status_reply_.set_error_code_3(input->
> Joint3_1st_transmit_PDO_Mapping_Error_code);
> //status_reply_.set_current_speed_2(input->joint2_1st_Transmit_PDO_mapping_Velocity_Actual_Value);
> status_reply_.set_current_position_4(input->
> Joint4_1st_transmit_PDO_Mapping_Position_actual_value);
> status_reply_.set_status_4(input->
> Joint4_1st_transmit_PDO_Mapping_Statusword);
> //status_reply_.set_modes_of_operation_2(input->joint2_1st_Transmit_PDO_mapping_Mode_of_Operation_Display);
> status_reply_.set_error_code_4(input->
> Joint4_1st_transmit_PDO_Mapping_Error_code);
> //status_reply_.set_current_speed_2(input->joint2_1st_Transmit_PDO_mapping_Velocity_Actual_Value);
> status_reply_.set_current_time(current_time);
> responder_.Write(status_reply_, this);
> } else {
> status_ = FINISH;
> }
> }
> }
> else {
> std::cout << "bye\n";
> delete this;
> }
> }
> private:
> // The means of communication with the gRPC runtime for an asynchronous
> // server.
> Robot::AsyncService* service_;
> // The producer-consumer queue where for asynchronous server notifications.
> ServerCompletionQueue* cq_;
> // Context for the rpc, allowing to tweak aspects of it such as the use
> // of compression, authentication, as well as to send metadata back to the
> // client.
> ServerContext ctx_;
> // What we get from the client.
> RobotStatusRequest request_;
> // What we send back to the client.
> RobotStatus status_reply_;
> // The means to get back to the client.
> ServerAsyncWriter<RobotStatus> responder_;
> // Let's implement a tiny state machine with the following states.
> enum CallStatus { CREATE, PROCESS, FINISH, WRITE };
> CallStatus status_; // The current serving state.
> int number_;
> };
> class ChangeVariableHandler : public RequestHandlerBase {
> public:
> ChangeVariableHandler(Robot::AsyncService* service, ServerCompletionQueue* 
> cq)
> : service_(service), cq_(cq), responder_(&ctx_), status_(CREATE) {
> Proceed();
> }
> void Proceed(bool ok = true) override {
> if (status_ == CREATE) {
> status_ = PROCESS;
> service_->RequestChangeVariable(&ctx_, &request_, &responder_, cq_, cq_,
> this);
> } else if ((status_ == PROCESS) && ok) {
> new ChangeVariableHandler(service_, cq_);
> bool operation_ok = true;
> std::cout << "received request " << request_.name() << " value " << 
> request_.i64_value() << std::endl ;
> switch (request_.name()) {
> case 0:
> g_ControlWord = request_.i64_value();
> break;
> case 1:
> g_ModesOfOperation = request_.i64_value();
> break;
> case 2:
> g_ProfileAcceleration = request_.i64_value();
> break;
> case 3:
> g_ProfileDeceleration = request_.i64_value();
> break;
> case 4:
> g_ProfileVelocity = request_.i64_value();
> break;
> case 5:
> g_TargetVelocity = request_.i64_value();
> break;
> case 6:
> g_TargetPosition = request_.i64_value();
> break;
> case 7:
> g_MaxProfileVelocity = request_.i64_value();
> break;
> case 8:
> g_positive_torquee_limit = request_.i64_value();
> break;
> case 9:
> g_negative_torquee_limit = request_.i64_value();
> break;
> case 10:
> g_ControlWord_2 = request_.i64_value();
> break;
> case 11:
> g_ModesOfOperation_2 = request_.i64_value();
> break;
> case 12:
> g_ProfileAcceleration_2 = request_.i64_value();
> break;
> case 13:
> g_ProfileDeceleration_2 = request_.i64_value();
> break;
> case 14:
> g_ProfileVelocity_2 = request_.i64_value();
> break;
> case 15:
> g_TargetVelocity_2 = request_.i64_value();
> break;
> case 16:
> g_TargetPosition_2 = request_.i64_value();
> break;
> case 17:
> g_MaxProfileVelocity_2 = request_.i64_value();
> break;
> case 18:
> g_positive_torquee_limit_2 = request_.i64_value();
> break;
> case 19:
> g_negative_torquee_limit_2 = request_.i64_value();
> break;
> case 20:
> g_ControlWord_3 = request_.i64_value();
> break;
> case 21:
> g_ModesOfOperation_3 = request_.i64_value();
> break;
> case 22:
> g_ProfileAcceleration_3 = request_.i64_value();
> break;
> case 23:
> g_ProfileDeceleration_3 = request_.i64_value();
> break;
> case 24:
> g_ProfileVelocity_3 = request_.i64_value();
> break;
> case 25:
> g_TargetVelocity_3 = request_.i64_value();
> break;
> case 26:
> g_TargetPosition_3 = request_.i64_value();
> break;
> case 27:
> g_MaxProfileVelocity_3 = request_.i64_value();
> break;
> case 28:
> g_positive_torquee_limit_3 = request_.i64_value();
> break;
> case 29:
> g_negative_torquee_limit_3 = request_.i64_value();
> break;
> case 44:
> g_ControlWord_4 = request_.i64_value();
> break;
> case 45:
> g_ModesOfOperation_4 = request_.i64_value();
> break;
> case 46:
> g_ProfileAcceleration_4 = request_.i64_value();
> break;
> case 47:
> g_ProfileDeceleration_4 = request_.i64_value();
> break;
> case 48:
> g_ProfileVelocity_4 = request_.i64_value();
> break;
> case 49:
> g_TargetVelocity_4 = request_.i64_value();
> break;
> case 50:
> g_TargetPosition_4 = request_.i64_value();
> break;
> case 51:
> g_MaxProfileVelocity_4 = request_.i64_value();
> break;
> case 52:
> g_positive_torquee_limit_4 = request_.i64_value();
> break;
> case 53:
> g_negative_torquee_limit_4 = request_.i64_value();
> break;
> case 30:
> g_IOSensors_Channel_9_Output = request_.i64_value();
> case 31:
> g_IOSensors_Channel_10_Output = request_.i64_value(); 
> case 32:
> g_IOSensors_Channel_11_Output = request_.i64_value();
> case 33:
> g_IOSensors_Channel_12_Output = request_.i64_value(); 
> default:
> operation_ok = false;
> break;
> }
> reply_.set_ok(operation_ok);
> status_ = FINISH;
> responder_.Finish(reply_, Status::OK, this);
> } else {
> GPR_ASSERT(status_ == FINISH);
> delete this;
> }
> }
> private:
> Robot::AsyncService* service_;
> ServerCompletionQueue* cq_;
> ServerContext ctx_;
> RobotExample::ChangeVariableRequest request_;
> RobotExample::ChangeVariableResponse reply_;
> ServerAsyncResponseWriter<RobotExample::ChangeVariableResponse> 
> responder_;
> enum CallStatus { CREATE, PROCESS, FINISH };
> CallStatus status_; // The current serving state.
> };
> class ServerImpl final {
> public:
> ~ServerImpl() {
> server_->Shutdown();
> // Always shutdown the completion queue after the server.
> cq_->Shutdown();
> }
> // There is no shutdown handling in this code.
> void Run() {
> std::string server_address("");
> ServerBuilder builder;
> // Listen on the given address without any authentication mechanism.
> builder.AddListeningPort(server_address, grpc::InsecureServerCredentials
> ());
> // Register "service_" as the instance through which we'll communicate with
> // clients. In this case it corresponds to an *asynchronous* service.
> builder.RegisterService(&service_);
> // Get hold of the completion queue used for the asynchronous communication
> // with the gRPC runtime.
> cq_ = builder.AddCompletionQueue();
> // Finally assemble the server.
> server_ = builder.BuildAndStart();
> std::cout << "Server listening on " << server_address << std::endl;
> // Proceed to the server's main loop.
> new GetStatusHandler(&service_, cq_.get());
> new ChangeVariableHandler(&service_, cq_.get());
> }
> void communication_cyle() {
> void* tag = 0; // uniquely identifies a request.
> bool ok;
> int got_event;
> auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
> std::unordered_map<void*, bool> map;
> do {
> got_event = cq_->AsyncNext(&tag, &ok, now);
> if (got_event == ServerCompletionQueue::GOT_EVENT) map[tag] = ok;
> } while (got_event == ServerCompletionQueue::GOT_EVENT);
> for (const auto& elt : map) {
> static_cast<RequestHandlerBase*>(elt.first)->Proceed(elt.second);
> }
> }
> private:
> std::unique_ptr<ServerCompletionQueue> cq_;
> Robot::AsyncService service_;
> std::unique_ptr<Server> server_;
> };
> int read_physical_addresses(int slave_count)
> {
> for(int i = 1 ; i <= slave_count ; i++)
> { 
> int16_t data;
> wkc = ecx_APRD(ecx_context.port, -i+1, 16, sizeof(data), 
> &data,EC_TIMEOUTRET3);
> if ( wkc <= 0 )
> {
> printf("error reading slave %d physicaladdress", i);
> return -1;
> }
> ecx_context.slavelist[i].configadr = data ;
> print_data(&data,2,"reading adress");
> }
> return 0;
> }
> int main(int argc, char* argv[]) 
> {
> printf("SOEM (Simple Open EtherCAT Master)\nSimple test\n");
> if (argc < 2) 
> {
> printf("Usage: simple_test ifname1\nifname = eth0 for example\n");
> return -1;
> }
> const char * ifname = argv[1];
> ServerImpl grpc_server;
> grpc_server.Run();
> /* initialise SOEM, bind socket to ifname */
> if (!ec_init(ifname))
> {
> printf("No socket connection on %s\nExecute as root\n", ifname);
> return -1;
> }
> if (ec_config_init(FALSE) <= 0)
> {
> printf("error ec_config_init\n");
> return -1;
> }
> printf("%d slaves found and configured.\n", ec_slavecount);
> memset(&g_inputsProcessImage, 0, sizeof(InputsProcessImage) );
> memset(&g_outputsProcessImage, 0, sizeof(OutputsProcessImage) );
> if ( init_ethercat_master(IP_TRANSITION) < 0 )
> return-1;
> if ( init_ethercat_slaves(IP_TRANSITION) < 0 )
> return -1;
> if ( read_physical_addresses(ec_slavecount) < 0 )
> return-1;
> if ( init_coe(PS_TRANSITION) < 0 )
> return -1;
> ec_configdc();
> // ec_dcsync0(1,true,1000000,0);
> // ec_dcsync0(2,true,1000000,0);
> osal_usleep(100 * 1000);
> if ( init_ethercat_slaves(PS_TRANSITION) < 0 )
> return -1;
> osal_usleep(100 * 1000);
> if ( init_ethercat_slaves(SO_TRANSITION) < 0 )
> return -1;
> if ( init_coe(SO_TRANSITION) < 0 )
> return -1;
> while (1) 
> {
> g_outputsProcessImage.Joint1_1st_receive_PDO_Mapping_Controlword = 
> g_ControlWord;
> g_outputsProcessImage.Joint1_1st_receive_PDO_Mapping_Modes_of_operation = 
> g_ModesOfOperation;
> g_outputsProcessImage.Joint1_1st_receive_PDO_Mapping_Target_velocity = 
> g_TargetVelocity;
> g_outputsProcessImage.Joint1_1st_receive_PDO_Mapping_Profile_velocity = 
> g_ProfileVelocity;
> g_outputsProcessImage.Joint1_1st_receive_PDO_Mapping_Target_position = 
> g_TargetPosition;
> g_outputsProcessImage.Joint1_1st_receive_PDO_Mapping_Max_profile_velocity 
> = g_MaxProfileVelocity;
> g_outputsProcessImage.Joint1_1st_receive_PDO_Mapping_Profile_acceleration 
> = g_ProfileAcceleration;
> g_outputsProcessImage.Joint1_1st_receive_PDO_Mapping_Profile_deceleration 
> = g_ProfileDeceleration;
> g_outputsProcessImage.Joint2_1st_receive_PDO_Mapping_Controlword = 
> g_ControlWord_2;
> g_outputsProcessImage.Joint2_1st_receive_PDO_Mapping_Modes_of_operation = 
> g_ModesOfOperation_2;
> g_outputsProcessImage.Joint2_1st_receive_PDO_Mapping_Target_velocity = 
> g_TargetVelocity_2;
> g_outputsProcessImage.Joint2_1st_receive_PDO_Mapping_Profile_velocity = 
> g_ProfileVelocity_2;
> g_outputsProcessImage.Joint2_1st_receive_PDO_Mapping_Target_position = 
> g_TargetPosition_2;
> g_outputsProcessImage.Joint2_1st_receive_PDO_Mapping_Max_profile_velocity 
> = g_MaxProfileVelocity_2;
> g_outputsProcessImage.Joint2_1st_receive_PDO_Mapping_Profile_acceleration 
> = g_ProfileAcceleration_2;
> g_outputsProcessImage.Joint2_1st_receive_PDO_Mapping_Profile_deceleration 
> = g_ProfileDeceleration_2;
> g_outputsProcessImage.Joint3_1st_receive_PDO_Mapping_Controlword = 
> g_ControlWord_3;
> g_outputsProcessImage.Joint3_1st_receive_PDO_Mapping_Modes_of_operation = 
> g_ModesOfOperation_3;
> g_outputsProcessImage.Joint3_1st_receive_PDO_Mapping_Target_velocity = 
> g_TargetVelocity_3;
> g_outputsProcessImage.Joint3_1st_receive_PDO_Mapping_Profile_velocity = 
> g_ProfileVelocity_3;
> g_outputsProcessImage.Joint3_1st_receive_PDO_Mapping_Target_position = 
> g_TargetPosition_3;
> g_outputsProcessImage.Joint3_1st_receive_PDO_Mapping_Max_profile_velocity 
> = g_MaxProfileVelocity_3;
> g_outputsProcessImage.Joint3_1st_receive_PDO_Mapping_Profile_acceleration 
> = g_ProfileAcceleration_3;
> g_outputsProcessImage.Joint3_1st_receive_PDO_Mapping_Profile_deceleration 
> = g_ProfileDeceleration_3;
> g_outputsProcessImage.Joint4_1st_receive_PDO_Mapping_Controlword = 
> g_ControlWord_4;
> g_outputsProcessImage.Joint4_1st_receive_PDO_Mapping_Modes_of_operation = 
> g_ModesOfOperation_4;
> g_outputsProcessImage.Joint4_1st_receive_PDO_Mapping_Target_velocity = 
> g_TargetVelocity_4;
> g_outputsProcessImage.Joint4_1st_receive_PDO_Mapping_Profile_velocity = 
> g_ProfileVelocity_4;
> g_outputsProcessImage.Joint4_1st_receive_PDO_Mapping_Target_position = 
> g_TargetPosition_4;
> g_outputsProcessImage.Joint4_1st_receive_PDO_Mapping_Max_profile_velocity 
> = g_MaxProfileVelocity_4;
> g_outputsProcessImage.Joint4_1st_receive_PDO_Mapping_Profile_acceleration 
> = g_ProfileAcceleration_4;
> g_outputsProcessImage.Joint4_1st_receive_PDO_Mapping_Profile_deceleration 
> = g_ProfileDeceleration_4;
> gen_send_cyclic_cmd(OP_STATE);
> //check for slave states
> grpc_server.communication_cyle();
> current_time++;
> //print_data(&g_inputsProcessImage, sizeof(InputsProcessImage) , "Inputs:" 
> );
> osal_usleep(1000);
> }
> printf("End program\n");
> return 0;
> }
> //client configurations 
> stub_ = Robot::NewStub( grpc::CreateChannel("localhost:50051", grpc::
> InsecureChannelCredentials()) ); timer_ = new QTimer(this); context_ = new 
> ClientContext(); RobotStatusRequest request; stream_rpc_ = stub_->
> AsyncgetStatus(context_, request, &cq_, (void*)10); stream_rpc_->Finish(&
> status_, (void*)2); //subscriber button click event code finishd timer_->
> start(1);
> //to pass the data to grpc server
> auto * req2 = new SetVariableRequestHandler(RobotExample::
> ChangeVariableRequest_varName_ControlWord, 6, &cq_, stub_.get() ); 
> class SetVariableRequestHandler { public: SetVariableRequestHandler(
> RobotExample::ChangeVariableRequest_varName name, int64_t value , grpc::
> CompletionQueue * cq, RobotExample::Robot::Stub * stub) { RobotExample::
> ChangeVariableRequest request; request.set_i64_value( value ); request.
> set_name(name); rpc_ = stub->AsyncChangeVariable(new grpc::ClientContext() 
> , request, cq ); rpc_->Finish(&changeVariableResponse_, &status_, (void*)
> this); 
> } 
> void proceed(bool ok) { 
> } 
> private: grpc::Status status_; std::unique_ptr< ::grpc::
> ClientAsyncResponseReader< ::RobotExample::ChangeVariableResponse>> rpc_; 
> RobotExample::ChangeVariableResponse changeVariableResponse_; }; 

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