I haven't received any feedback on this from the mailing list so I've gone 
ahead and created an issue and a PR to fix it over on GitHub, please take a 



On Tuesday, 7 February 2023 at 12:15:08 UTC Mass Dosage wrote:

> I am writing a generic gRPC Kotlin client with the intention that the 
> underlying implementation can be Netty or OkHttp depending on what is on 
> the classpath. This clients needs to perform mutual TLS so I'm doing 
> something like this:
>   val tlsBuilder: TlsChannelCredentials.Builder = 
> TlsChannelCredentials.newBuilder()
>   tlsBuilder.keyManager(clientCrt, clientKey)
>   channelCredentials = tlsBuilder.build()
> the clientKey file is an RSA key generated by OpenSSL and has a header 
> like so:
>   -----BEGIN *RSA* PRIVATE KEY-----
> The OkHttpChannelBuilder ends up calling the static method 
> getPrivateKey(InputStream is) on io.grpc.util.CertificateUtils in order to 
> load this key. However that tries to interpret the header like so:
>     while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
>       if ("-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----".equals(line)) {
>         break;
>       }
>     }
> which doesn't work as the actual header contains "RSA" so the "equals" 
> call never matches and it then creates a decodedKeyBytes which is an empty 
> byte array and
> when this is later converted to a KeySpec it throws an exception like so:
>   java.security.InvalidKeyException: Missing key encoding
> If I compare this to how the Netty provider/builder does this, it ends up 
> going down a completely different path and delegating the loading of the 
> private key to the method
> readPrivateKey(InputStream in) in 
> io.grpc.netty.shaded.io.netty.handler.ssl.PemReader. This doesn't do an 
> exact string match on the key header but instead uses a regular
> expression something like so:
>  private static final Pattern KEY_HEADER = 
> Pattern.compile("-+BEGIN\\s[^-\\r\\n]*PRIVATE\\s+KEY[^-\\r\\n]*-+(?:\\s|\\r|\\n)+");
>  Matcher m = KEY_HEADER.matcher(content);
> There is the same pattern with matching the footer. If I manually remove 
> the word "RSA" from my key's header and footer everything works for both 
> implementations.
> So my question is, is this a bug in OkHttp in that it's using an incorrect 
> method to load the private key, or is this a bug in grpc-java where it 
> should be more lenient with the key
> header and footer?
> I'm happy to create an issue and can also look into creating a test case 
> and possibly even attempting to fix this, I just wanted to check in here 
> first.
> Thanks,
> Adrian

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