Could I ask you to create a tracking issue for this on github please? Also 
if you've got a working solution, contributions to source are welcome :)

On Wednesday, March 22, 2023 at 2:52:22 AM UTC-7 Dmitry Gorelov wrote:

> Please check the following code, it fixes the crash of the 
> route_guide_callback_server!
>          #include <algorithm>
>          #include <chrono>
>          #include <cmath>
>          #include <iostream>
>          #include <memory>
>          #include <string>
>          #include <thread>
>          #include "helper.h"
>          #include <grpc/grpc.h>
>          #include <grpcpp/security/server_credentials.h>
>          #include <grpcpp/server.h>
>          #include <grpcpp/server_builder.h>
>          #include <grpcpp/server_context.h>
>          #ifdef BAZEL_BUILD
>          #include "examples/protos/route_guide.grpc.pb.h"
>          #else
>          #include "route_guide.grpc.pb.h"
>          #endif
>          using grpc::CallbackServerContext;
>          using grpc::Server;
>          using grpc::ServerBuilder;
>          using grpc::Status;
>          using routeguide::Feature;
>          using routeguide::Point;
>          using routeguide::Rectangle;
>          using routeguide::RouteGuide;
>          using routeguide::RouteNote;
>          using routeguide::RouteSummary;
>          using std::chrono::system_clock;
>          class RouteGuideImpl final : public RouteGuide::CallbackService {
>           public:
>            explicit RouteGuideImpl(const std::string& db) {
>              routeguide::ParseDb(db, &feature_list_);
>            }
>            grpc::ServerBidiReactor<RouteNote, RouteNote>* RouteChat(
>                CallbackServerContext* context) override {
>              class Chatter : public grpc::ServerBidiReactor<RouteNote, 
> RouteNote> {
>               public:
>                Chatter(absl::Mutex* mu, std::vector<RouteNote>* 
> received_notes)
>                    : mu_(mu), received_notes_(received_notes) {
>                  StartRead(&note_);
>                }
>                void OnDone() override { delete this; }
>                void OnReadDone(bool ok) override 
>                {
>                  if (ok) 
>                  {
>                    // Unlike the other example in this directory that's 
> not using
>                    // the reactor pattern, we can't grab a local lock to 
> secure the
>                    // access to the notes vector, because the reactor will 
> most likely
>                    // make us jump threads, so we'll have to use a 
> different locking
>                    // strategy. We'll grab the lock locally to build a 
> copy of the
>                    // list of nodes we're going to send, then we'll grab 
> the lock
>                    // again to append the received note to the existing 
> vector.
>                    mu_->Lock();
>                    std::copy_if(received_notes_->begin(), 
> received_notes_->end(),
>                                 std::back_inserter(to_send_notes_),
>                                 [this](const RouteNote& note) {
>                                   return note.location().latitude() ==
>                                              note_.location().latitude() &&
>                                          note.location().longitude() ==
>                                              note_.location().longitude();
>                                 });          
>                    notes_iterator_ = to_send_notes_.begin();
>                    mu_->Unlock();
>                    NextWrite();
>                  } else {
>                    //std::cout << "some client finished" << std::endl;
>                    Finish(Status::OK);
>                  }
>                }
>                void OnWriteDone(bool ok) override 
>                { 
>                  if (ok)
>                  {
>                    NextWrite(); 
>                  }
>                  else
>                  {
>                    std::cout << "some client finished write" << std::endl;
>                    Finish(Status::OK);
>                  }
>                }
>               private:
>                void NextWrite() 
>                {
>                  mu_->Lock();
>                  if (notes_iterator_ != to_send_notes_.end()) {
>                    StartWrite(&*notes_iterator_);
>                    notes_iterator_++;
>                  } else {          
>                    received_notes_->push_back(note_);          
>                    StartRead(&note_);
>                  }
>                  mu_->Unlock();
>                }
>                RouteNote note_;
>                absl::Mutex* mu_;
>                std::vector<RouteNote>* received_notes_;
>                std::vector<RouteNote> to_send_notes_;
>                std::vector<RouteNote>::iterator notes_iterator_;
>              };
>              return new Chatter(&mu_, &received_notes_);
>            }
>           private:
>            std::vector<Feature> feature_list_;
>            absl::Mutex mu_;
>            std::vector<RouteNote> received_notes_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(mu_);
>          };
>          void RunServer(const std::string& db_path) {
>            std::string server_address("");
>            RouteGuideImpl service(db_path);
>            ServerBuilder builder;
>            builder.AddListeningPort(server_address, 
> grpc::InsecureServerCredentials());
>            builder.RegisterService(&service);
>            std::unique_ptr<Server> server(builder.BuildAndStart());
>            std::cout << "Server listening on " << server_address << 
> std::endl;
>            server->Wait();
>          }
>          int main(int argc, char** argv) {
>            // Expect only arg: --db_path=path/to/route_guide_db.json.
>            std::string db = routeguide::GetDbFileContent(argc, argv);
>            RunServer(db);
>            return 0;
>          }
> среда, 22 марта 2023 г. в 02:15:55 UTC+3, Dmitry Gorelov: 
>> [image: 2023-03-22 02_14_54-Window.png]
>> среда, 22 марта 2023 г. в 02:00:25 UTC+3, Dmitry Gorelov: 
>>> Both of them , the client and server, are  from route_guide example. I 
>>> left only bidirectional part.
>>> after some attemts to run client, either the client or the server crash.
>>> Please help to fix them!
>>> среда, 22 марта 2023 г. в 01:59:12 UTC+3, Dmitry Gorelov: 
>>>> //and this is client code
>>>> /*
>>>>  *
>>>>  * Copyright 2021 gRPC authors.
>>>>  *
>>>>  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
>>>>  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
>>>>  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
>>>>  *
>>>>  *
>>>>  *
>>>>  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
>>>>  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
>>>> implied.
>>>>  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
>>>>  * limitations under the License.
>>>>  *
>>>>  */
>>>> #include <chrono>
>>>> #include <condition_variable>
>>>> #include <iostream>
>>>> #include <memory>
>>>> #include <mutex>
>>>> #include <random>
>>>> #include <string>
>>>> #include <thread>
>>>> #include "helper.h"
>>>> #include <grpc/grpc.h>
>>>> #include <grpcpp/alarm.h>
>>>> #include <grpcpp/channel.h>
>>>> #include <grpcpp/client_context.h>
>>>> #include <grpcpp/create_channel.h>
>>>> #include <grpcpp/security/credentials.h>
>>>> #ifdef BAZEL_BUILD
>>>> #include "examples/protos/route_guide.grpc.pb.h"
>>>> #else
>>>> #include "route_guide.grpc.pb.h"
>>>> #endif
>>>> using grpc::Channel;
>>>> using grpc::ClientContext;
>>>> using grpc::Status;
>>>> using routeguide::Feature;
>>>> using routeguide::Point;
>>>> using routeguide::Rectangle;
>>>> using routeguide::RouteGuide;
>>>> using routeguide::RouteNote;
>>>> using routeguide::RouteSummary;
>>>> Point MakePoint(long latitude, long longitude) {
>>>>   Point p;
>>>>   p.set_latitude(latitude);
>>>>   p.set_longitude(longitude);
>>>>   return p;
>>>> }
>>>> Feature MakeFeature(const std::string& name, long latitude, long 
>>>> longitude) {
>>>>   Feature f;
>>>>   f.set_name(name);
>>>>   f.mutable_location()->CopyFrom(MakePoint(latitude, longitude));
>>>>   return f;
>>>> }
>>>> RouteNote MakeRouteNote(const std::string& message, long latitude,
>>>>                         long longitude) {
>>>>   RouteNote n;
>>>>   n.set_message(message);
>>>>   n.mutable_location()->CopyFrom(MakePoint(latitude, longitude));
>>>>   return n;
>>>> }
>>>> class RouteGuideClient {
>>>>  public:
>>>>   RouteGuideClient(std::shared_ptr<Channel> channel, const std::string& 
>>>> db)
>>>>       : stub_(RouteGuide::NewStub(channel)) {
>>>>     routeguide::ParseDb(db, &feature_list_);
>>>>   }
>>>>   void RouteChat() {
>>>>     class Chatter : public grpc::ClientBidiReactor<RouteNote, 
>>>> RouteNote> {
>>>>      public:
>>>>       explicit Chatter(RouteGuide::Stub* stub)
>>>>           : notes_{MakeRouteNote("First message", 0, 0),
>>>>                    MakeRouteNote("Second message", 0, 1),
>>>>                    MakeRouteNote("Third message", 1, 0),
>>>>                    MakeRouteNote("Fourth message", 0, 0)},
>>>>             notes_iterator_(notes_.begin()) {
>>>>         stub->async()->RouteChat(&context_, this);
>>>>         NextWrite();
>>>>         StartRead(&server_note_);
>>>>         StartCall();
>>>>       }
>>>>       void OnWriteDone(bool /*ok*/) override { NextWrite(); }
>>>>       void OnReadDone(bool ok) override {
>>>>         if (ok) {
>>>>           std::cout << "Got message " << server_note_.message() << " at 
>>>> "
>>>>                     << server_note_.location().latitude() << ", "
>>>>                     << server_note_.location().longitude() << std::endl;
>>>>           StartRead(&server_note_);
>>>>         }
>>>>       }
>>>>       void OnDone(const Status& s) override {
>>>>         std::unique_lock<std::mutex> l(mu_);
>>>>         status_ = s;
>>>>         done_ = true;
>>>>         cv_.notify_one();
>>>>       }
>>>>       Status Await() {
>>>>         std::unique_lock<std::mutex> l(mu_);
>>>>         cv_.wait(l, [this] { return done_; });
>>>>         return std::move(status_);
>>>>       }
>>>>      private:
>>>>       void NextWrite() {
>>>>         if (notes_iterator_ != notes_.end()) {
>>>>           const auto& note = *notes_iterator_;
>>>>           std::cout << "Sending message " << note.message() << " at "
>>>>                     << note.location().latitude() << ", "
>>>>                     << note.location().longitude() << std::endl;
>>>>           StartWrite(&note);
>>>>           notes_iterator_++;
>>>>         } else {
>>>>           StartWritesDone();
>>>>         }
>>>>       }
>>>>       ClientContext context_;
>>>>       const std::vector<RouteNote> notes_;
>>>>       std::vector<RouteNote>::const_iterator notes_iterator_;
>>>>       RouteNote server_note_;
>>>>       std::mutex mu_;
>>>>       std::condition_variable cv_;
>>>>       Status status_;
>>>>       bool done_ = false;
>>>>     };
>>>>     Chatter chatter(stub_.get());
>>>>     Status status = chatter.Await();
>>>>     if (!status.ok()) {
>>>>       std::cout << "RouteChat rpc failed." << std::endl;
>>>>     }
>>>>   }
>>>>  private:  
>>>>   const float kCoordFactor_ = 10000000.0;
>>>>   std::unique_ptr<RouteGuide::Stub> stub_;
>>>>   std::vector<Feature> feature_list_;
>>>> };
>>>> int main(int argc, char** argv) {
>>>>   // Expect only arg: --db_path=path/to/route_guide_db.json.
>>>>   std::string db = routeguide::GetDbFileContent(argc, argv);
>>>>   RouteGuideClient guide(
>>>>       grpc::CreateChannel("localhost:50051",
>>>>                           grpc::InsecureChannelCredentials()),
>>>>       db);
>>>>   std::cout << "-------------- RouteChat --------------" << std::endl;
>>>>   guide.RouteChat();
>>>>   return 0;
>>>> }
>>>> среда, 22 марта 2023 г. в 01:42:07 UTC+3, Dmitry Gorelov: 
>>>>> Oh man, it is not working even with *one *client! same problem in 
>>>>> proto_utils.h
>>>>> среда, 22 марта 2023 г. в 01:12:55 UTC+3, Dmitry Gorelov: 
>>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>> please help to modify this peace of server code for bidirectional 
>>>>>> stream in order to make it work correclty with *multiple clients* at 
>>>>>> one time. Currently it crashes with segmentation fault in the 
>>>>>> proto_utils.h.
>>>>>> class RouteGuideImpl final : public RouteGuide::CallbackService {
>>>>>>  public:
>>>>>>   explicit RouteGuideImpl(const std::string& db) {
>>>>>>     routeguide::ParseDb(db, &feature_list_);
>>>>>>   }  
>>>>>>   grpc::ServerBidiReactor<RouteNote, RouteNote>* RouteChat(
>>>>>>       CallbackServerContext* context) override {
>>>>>>     class Chatter : public grpc::ServerBidiReactor<RouteNote, 
>>>>>> RouteNote> {
>>>>>>      public:
>>>>>>       Chatter(absl::Mutex* mu, std::vector<RouteNote>* received_notes)
>>>>>>           : mu_(mu), received_notes_(received_notes) {
>>>>>>         StartRead(&note_);
>>>>>>       }
>>>>>>       void OnDone() override { delete this; }
>>>>>>       void OnReadDone(bool ok) override {
>>>>>>         if (ok) {
>>>>>>           // Unlike the other example in this directory that's not 
>>>>>> using
>>>>>>           // the reactor pattern, we can't grab a local lock to 
>>>>>> secure the
>>>>>>           // access to the notes vector, because the reactor will 
>>>>>> most likely
>>>>>>           // make us jump threads, so we'll have to use a different 
>>>>>> locking
>>>>>>           // strategy. We'll grab the lock locally to build a copy of 
>>>>>> the
>>>>>>           // list of nodes we're going to send, then we'll grab the 
>>>>>> lock
>>>>>>           // again to append the received note to the existing vector.
>>>>>>           mu_->Lock();
>>>>>>           std::copy_if(received_notes_->begin(), 
>>>>>> received_notes_->end(),
>>>>>>                        std::back_inserter(to_send_notes_),
>>>>>>                        [this](const RouteNote& note) {
>>>>>>                          return note.location().latitude() ==
>>>>>>                                     note_.location().latitude() &&
>>>>>>                                 note.location().longitude() ==
>>>>>>                                     note_.location().longitude();
>>>>>>                        });
>>>>>>           mu_->Unlock();
>>>>>>           notes_iterator_ = to_send_notes_.begin();
>>>>>>           NextWrite();
>>>>>>         } else {
>>>>>>           std::cout << "some client finished" << std::endl;
>>>>>>           Finish(Status::OK);
>>>>>>         }
>>>>>>       }
>>>>>>       void OnWriteDone(bool /*ok*/) override { NextWrite(); }
>>>>>>      private:
>>>>>>       void NextWrite() {
>>>>>>         if (notes_iterator_ != to_send_notes_.end()) {
>>>>>>           StartWrite(&*notes_iterator_);
>>>>>>           notes_iterator_++;
>>>>>>         } else {
>>>>>>           mu_->Lock();
>>>>>>           received_notes_->push_back(note_);
>>>>>>           mu_->Unlock();
>>>>>>           StartRead(&note_);
>>>>>>         }
>>>>>>       }
>>>>>>       RouteNote note_;
>>>>>>       absl::Mutex* mu_;
>>>>>>       std::vector<RouteNote>* received_notes_;
>>>>>>       std::vector<RouteNote> to_send_notes_;
>>>>>>       std::vector<RouteNote>::iterator notes_iterator_;
>>>>>>     };
>>>>>>     return new Chatter(&mu_, &received_notes_);
>>>>>>   }
>>>>>>  private:
>>>>>>   std::vector<Feature> feature_list_;
>>>>>>   absl::Mutex mu_;
>>>>>>   std::vector<RouteNote> received_notes_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(mu_);
>>>>>> };

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