I have fixed the issue by setting the grpc.max_message_length = -1 in 
stearming audioplayer server instance here


not sure why the grpc.sever as was intialized at 4 mb default grpc.mesage 
lenght. It would make it unsuitable for sending the audio data. Is there 
any way we can push the audio in compressed format mp3 ?

On Thursday, 10 August 2023 at 21:57:02 UTC+5:30 Chandra Shekhar wrote:

> I am facing this issue. The message size I am pushing to is bigger 
> (13417774 vs. 4194304).
> Message=<_InactiveRpcError of RPC that terminated with:
> status = StatusCode.RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED
> details = “Received message larger than max (13417774 vs. 4194304)”
> debug_error_string = "UNKNOWN:Error
> push_audio_track
> response = stub.PushAudio(request)
> push_audio_track(a2f_url, wavarr, sample_rate, a2f_avatar_instance)
> I tried fixing it by creating a grpc channel with max send/receive message 
> length of unlimited (-1). while creating the channel. 
> ('grpc.max_message_length', -1), ('grpc.max_send_message_length', -1), 
> ('grpc.max_receive_message_length', -1) 
> But it doesnt work. I guess I need to set these values at the grpc server 
> side as well  ? cant find where to set this inside audio2face.
> Tried using push_audio_track and push_audio_track_stream as well. Error 
> remains the same.
> Any help on this would be much appreciated

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