On Sun, May 12, 2024 at 11:03 AM Yunhao Bai <cloudbai1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> When we are performing performance test and try to test the throughput for
> the gRPC server, we find there is a very strange behavior: When we increase
> the rate for unary RPC call to the gRPC server (e.g., from 15k rps to 50
> rps), we see a performance drop after some peak point.

I'm surprised that you are surprised. I thought it was well known that when
you over-saturate a server performance eventually decreases. Although that
looks pretty dramatic (not that I can read the image).

After our investigate, we find that there are many "default-executor"
> threads occupying CPU when there is a performance drop, and when there is
> no such phenomenon, everything goes fine. I also post the CPU utils when
> there is a performance drop and not with client rps equaling 50k.

Are you using grpc-java? "default-executor" definitely sounds like Java,
but you mention event engine later. Event engine is only for the C-based

Assuming you are using grpc-java, specifying executor() on the server (and
channels) to a thread pool you manage can yield more performance. The
default executor is a basic unbounded Executors.newCachedThreadPool(). If
you know your maximum concurrency needs, limiting the maximum number of
threads can improve performance (either via ThreadPoolExecutor or
newFixedThreadPool()). Also, some workloads see benefit in using
ForkJoinPool (which is a fixed-sized thread pool).

If your application is mostly asynchronous, then choosing the number of
threads based on number of cores makes sense, somewhere between a bit less
than the number of cores to 2x. If you have a lot of blocking, then you'll
just have to experiment.

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