Instead of using a parent process / child process model, you could consider 
cutting out the parent process entirely and using SO_REUSEPORT 
<> to handle multiplexing the single 
address / port combo to multiple worker processes. There's an example in 
Python here 
that illustrates this. This should extrapolate pretty straightforwardly to 

On Friday, July 12, 2024 at 10:12:22 AM UTC-7 Eugene Ostroukhov wrote:

> gRPC is not designed for this scenario. gRPC closes all file descriptors 
> before forking so the connections would not be available in the client. 
> This is explicit expectation and is covered with this test case - 
> On Monday, December 4, 2023 at 8:02:19 AM UTC-8 stefan pantos wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Is it possible to create a GRPC server in C++ using a pre-fork worker 
>> model and can someone point me to an example. I see there are some C 
>> prefork related functions but I cannot find an example of using this and 
>> cannot quite see how it would work either. I did try myself using 
>> AddInsecureChannelFromFd but I didn't have much success not sure if it is 
>> me simply making a coding mistake or complete miss understanding of the use 
>> case.
>> Incase it isn't clear what I want to do I'll outline the idea in more 
>> detail.
>> A parent process creates, binds and listens on the incoming port.
>> Then the child processes are forked, they then do an accept on the now 
>> shared file descriptor. Only one of the children will accept a connection 
>> and will end up handing that connection but any other connections coming 
>> will be handled by one of the other child processes.
>> This is a method outlined in UNIX Network Programming, and I think is a 
>> method used in Apache Httpd. 
>> The reason I want to use this method is that I have a code base which is 
>> not thread safe and it would take a long time and a lot of trial and error 
>> to make it thread safe and perform well enough. We have used this method 
>> for other protocols with good effect but none of them are as good as GRPC 
>> in my opinion.
>> Thanks for any help you can give me in advance.
>> Stefan Pantos

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