I have the idea that another array for the symbols is not required.  I
think we can use one common table.  The symbol name and symbol address
are already in there.  The hard thing is would getting the size,
perhaps we could leave that open and fill it in with a function, or
can we use a ld/gcc feature to do that?  This will make the backtrace
code simpler and it saves memory.  Do you think that is somehow

This is true, another list of symbols is not required for this backtrace support but it makes the implementation a lot less intrusive. It would be possible to use some #ifdef here and there around the structures that are used already to add a field for the symbol size but it would not be very nice. If you turn the debug flag off, the code comes back to the original so I thought it would not be a problem.

However, I found using a simple example that using -O2 still allows for using the frame pointer. This is to be verified but if it turns to be usable, than maybe using the --enable-debug will be less a problem and more popular so it would then be wise not to have the kernel symbol list twice. What do you think ?

To correct the rest, I think I will read the GCS in detail.

                                Vincent Guffens
                                PhD Student UCL/CESAME
                                tel:   +32 10 47 80 30
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"Don't bother us with politics," respond those who don't want to learn.
                -- Richard M. Stallman

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