Vesa Jääskeläinen wrote:

>>> In order to make GRUB 2's video subsystem more flexible, there is a need
>>> to modify font manager in order to support more variety of different
>>> character types. I already tested it with one idea and it seems to work
>>> nicely, but in order to support more character types I think someone
>>> else have to give some comments about how glyph's should be defined.
>> For the glyph support, it should be based on the font manager, but I haven't 
>> decided the API yet. As a starting point, it would be enough to assume that 
>> we always use a fixed size (currently, 8x16 or mutiples of 8x16). In the 
>> future, we will want to support different size or even vector fonts.
> I'll will improve current situation a bit to direction of better glyph
> support, but this needs more work. I will give patch for those too when
> first implementation is ready.

What is the procedure to generate font file to font manager? Or should I
 just add some functionality to import VGA font to font manager.

Otherwise some of the functionality is working correctly, but until font
issue is solved it is not really useful for anything. Or if you count
drawing boxes to screen is useful ;)

Then we must decide how are we going to implement theming in grub. I am
open to any ideas.

Vesa Jääskeläinen

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